How many studs required for 1000 ft radar?


Jan 31, 2010
ON, Canada
I have 96 hornets and 48 chisels =144 right now in my srx 700. I went to a local radar run this weekend and it didn't seem too bite as hard as I wanted it to. My front shocks have no tension, no tension on front skid shocks, limiter straps cranked all the way, FRA bolt on medium, and rear shock about 3/4 way loose. Added shims to bottom of transfer rods and I left 1/2 of transfer at the top. Sled ran 105 mph in 1000ft, good for 1st in my class and a 2nd, seemed to pick up speed near end if track. I need a couple hundred more feet to see better numbers I think. Should I get maybe 48 more ice chisels to have chisels, pics and trail studs for 196 total. Radar runs coming up this weekend and I wanna support the blue! Thanks to fellow members with their advice, i
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Tighton the centre shock up some and you will have more push on the front of track.Wont help for top speed but will be better out of the hole.

The pick question is hard not knowing lenth of track and picks and do youy have any on the outsde?

Ya I have 3 in each row, 121 inch track every other outside window would have a stud. 1 inch lugs and 1.080 studs. Not sure if the extra 48 ice picks would speed me up or slow me down in 1000 ft....
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I use 96 1" ice picks in mine, there is no reason to use anymore than that for a radar run, unless your engagment is too high, remember, this isn't a drag race, ease into it then pin it, too many studs means more rotating weight and that means slower speeds, get rid of them chisels, when they lift out of the ice they actually grab instead of pulling straight out and you don't need studs on the outside of the track, thats just more rotating weight.
