Main & jack shaft bearings


New member
Feb 29, 2008
central Wisconsin
Hey Guys,
I had a breakdown yesterday. I was driving along on my Viper and hit the throttle, just then, it sounded like the track was ratcheting, I pulled it over and and checked out track tension and gear chain tension. Long story short,my main shaft bearings were gone .
I pulled the sled apart today and I am replacing main shaft bearings and jack shaft bearings. ( no other damage done )

My question is : does anyone have all the bearing number's for both shafts ? Not Yamaha part #'S but actual NSK Bearing #'s
The bearing numbers are located inside the Yamaha part number. For example, the bottom chain case bearing part number on a Viper is 93306-20592-00. This means it takes a 6205 bearing. You just need to make sure you get the right style 6205, as far as the seals go.
We in the same boat 98 srx dam drive bearings should out earring be the same size in there ?
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Bigboss said:
We in the same boat 98 srx dam drive bearings should out earring be the same size in there ?
Most of the drive bearings I've seen are 6205 bearings. The one on the driver's side has a different number, since it has a collar with set screws.
Not sure if you can cross an NTN number or not but the drive axle bearing in NTN is AS205 and the jackshaft bearing is UB205.Both are 205 bearings being 25mm in size with an attached collar.
I went online and searched around for bearings, I ended up Buying an "All Balls Racing" bearing Kit . 1 for the main shaft and 1 for the jack shaft, all bearings, seals, and o-rings included. Both kits with shipping was $76 . I didnt think that was to bad compared to at least double that for yamaha parts.
Hopefully the qaulity is good and they last a while. Anyone have any experiance with these kits ?
ALL BAlls bearings are made in China. That does not mean they are bad but i do not believe they are of the same quality as the OEM. I have used that brand bearing in the bogie wheels but not for the jackshaft bearing, speedo side drive axle bearing or the chanicase bearings. I've used only the Yamaha OEM bearings for those locations. The life of the "sealed" bearings can be extended by taking them out, removing the seals and the old grease and accumulated water then regreasing them with a synthetic grease. The speedo bearing takes a pounding from being literally submerged in water, snow and ice. I remove, clean and regrease this bearing after every long trip, 1000 miles or more.

Ok , thanks for the replies. I did buy the All Balls kits and installed them today. All went together good, no problems, and I ran the sled for a few miles....All seems good. I will keep a close eye on it now ,knowing the bearings come from China ...
I installed both the inner chain case bearings (jack and drive shaft) with the dust covers from the bearings removed facing the chain, I am assuming these bearings should be bathed in the gear oil. After looking at my Viper manual many times, I am perplexed that it says I should have placed the bearings in with the dust cover on -facing the chain and am suppose to add grease to the back -open side (dust cover removed) between the back chain-case seals ????
Does this make sense to anyone ? I could have sworn when I pulled the old bearings out the dust covers were open to the chain they can get oil. Did I install them wrong ? Am I going to get leakage out of the back side seals now ? So far I haven't.... Any comments appreciated
sickric said:
I installed both the inner chain case bearings (jack and drive shaft) with the dust covers from the bearings removed facing the chain, I am assuming these bearings should be bathed in the gear oil. After looking at my Viper manual many times, I am perplexed that it says I should have placed the bearings in with the dust cover on -facing the chain and am suppose to add grease to the back -open side (dust cover removed) between the back chain-case seals ????
Does this make sense to anyone ? I could have sworn when I pulled the old bearings out the dust covers were open to the chain they can get oil. Did I install them wrong ? Am I going to get leakage out of the back side seals now ? So far I haven't.... Any comments appreciated

You'll get different opinions - From what I've read the thought behind the seal facing the chain case is to keep bits/flakes from the chain/gears out of the bearing. The magnet on the dip stick collects a lot of what would end up in the bearing. I would think this is more critical for a new chain and gears.

There have been enough folks on here that have installed them either way with success which would suggest it doesn't much matter.

I would think changing from one way to the other, the seal is now riding on a new location of the shaft and could start leaking.

I personally installed mine per the shop manual and as RX1jim suggested, packed the exposed side with syn grease.
