Warning light?


New member
Feb 12, 2012
My understanding is when your waring light comes on another icon should also come on like temp or fuel. It has e start and when i start it all icons light up so that tells me that they are working.
So why after about an hour of riding the warning light came on? It has 3 lines for gas so not fuel and all 3 heat exchangers are warm so coolant is going through.
I'm lost any help here would be great.
if your flashing the warning light, there should also be an icon showing. would be an engine, temp, oil, or fuel.

is there any sequence to the warning light or just a single flash? i know i have had problems seeing the icon as it is small for my old eyes.

i would guess its tossing a resistor code for the handwarmers.
snowdad4 said:
if your flashing the warning light, there should also be an icon showing. would be an engine, temp, oil, or fuel.

is there any sequence to the warning light or just a single flash? i know i have had problems seeing the icon as it is small for my old eyes.

i would guess its tossing a resistor code for the handwarmers.
Nope light is on steady no flashing and i also had my son take a look and no other icons lite up.
After i shut it down and start her back up the light goes out then comes back on after a 1/2 hr of riding. I'm starting to lean towards overheating.
Think i will go and re-bleed coolant.
Any tricks that the manual might not have listed?
My problem with why i don't think its air is all 3 heat exchangers are warm.
My 03 viper used to do this on warmer days or minimal snow i added a rear heat exchanger and never had the problem again :letitsnow
thats why i asked you if you rode in icy condtions, its likely running hot if you dont have the srx rear excahnger in them, common problem. if it gets ice build up (because of the aftermarket skidplate if equipped) < most common thing that causes it.
it trips the light, see if it does it next time roll it on its side, could be a ice build up at bottom of front exchanger you can only see it by flipping sled on its side.
