After installing benders trripple pipes they stll hit the pipe. What have you guys done to stop this?I was thinking of addingwashers or somthing to keep the hood up on the left side.

lots of heat tape and sometimes a slight mod with a hammer
The Snakester
New member
Mtn Perf. has a kit that will lift your hood enough to clear the pipes
New member
pipes hitting
I put aaen pipes on my srx and they would hit, so I drilled a hole in a solid piece of metal that is off to the right of the middle or 3/4 down the clutch guard, then I hooked up the hook that holds the hood opened in the newly drilled hole instead of the little loop on the center pipe and the hood is lifted up enough to make room for the pipes, i dont know if its the same on a viper though.
I put aaen pipes on my srx and they would hit, so I drilled a hole in a solid piece of metal that is off to the right of the middle or 3/4 down the clutch guard, then I hooked up the hook that holds the hood opened in the newly drilled hole instead of the little loop on the center pipe and the hood is lifted up enough to make room for the pipes, i dont know if its the same on a viper though.
New member
pipes rubbing...
What sled u got tyler? I installed Benders on my Viper and they rubbed bad. I took a hammer and made a small dent in the pipe that was rubbing, it still rubbed and I didn't want to make the dent any bigger.
So I tried a couple washers under the hinge bolts, hood still rubbed on pipes.
What I did next worked perfectly. I used a dremmel with the large sanding drum to grind of the piece of hood material (plastic) that was rubbing. There is plenty of plastic in this area so you don't have to worry about grinding right through the hood. Also, I don't think it affects the strength of the hood because 700 hard miles and the hood hasn't cracked so far! :P (see picture)
Also, I had a problem with the two hood cables and the wiring rubbing on the pipe. I relocated the left cable the best I could and removed the right one. As for the wires, I used a sticky-back (not sure if thats the proper name) for an extra place to tie-wrap the wires to. (also see picture)

What sled u got tyler? I installed Benders on my Viper and they rubbed bad. I took a hammer and made a small dent in the pipe that was rubbing, it still rubbed and I didn't want to make the dent any bigger.
So I tried a couple washers under the hinge bolts, hood still rubbed on pipes.

What I did next worked perfectly. I used a dremmel with the large sanding drum to grind of the piece of hood material (plastic) that was rubbing. There is plenty of plastic in this area so you don't have to worry about grinding right through the hood. Also, I don't think it affects the strength of the hood because 700 hard miles and the hood hasn't cracked so far! :P (see picture)
Also, I had a problem with the two hood cables and the wiring rubbing on the pipe. I relocated the left cable the best I could and removed the right one. As for the wires, I used a sticky-back (not sure if thats the proper name) for an extra place to tie-wrap the wires to. (also see picture)

Hey powervalve-700,
Do me a favor and look at your pipes, look at were the center pipe wraps around the pto pipe and tell me what kind of clearance you have. My center pipe has a 1 inch slot wore right through from rubbing on the pto pipe, right were the seam was tig welded. Thanks brutha!!
Do me a favor and look at your pipes, look at were the center pipe wraps around the pto pipe and tell me what kind of clearance you have. My center pipe has a 1 inch slot wore right through from rubbing on the pto pipe, right were the seam was tig welded. Thanks brutha!!
Pipes rubbing
I used the bender shim kit with two 1/4" flat washers. Now there is enough clearance to see daylight between the hood and the pipes. Thanks for all the info. My center power valve cable was rubbing on the center pipe and I fixed that with some zip ties.
I used the bender shim kit with two 1/4" flat washers. Now there is enough clearance to see daylight between the hood and the pipes. Thanks for all the info. My center power valve cable was rubbing on the center pipe and I fixed that with some zip ties.