New member
well as some of you know I went north on the weekend. my mechanic broke one of my ski tips (handle) off after he got it stuck in the snow. so he gave me loaners off an RX1 for the weekend. they had dual carbides on them and it was hard to steer. not sure if its cause im outta shape, my first ride on my own sled, or the skis themselves. anyways, handle is on backorder and he said he would pay for it (only 10-15$) since he broke it. told him I would've broken it anyways so I would pay....he insists on payin, ok. our buddies dad has an Apex and put the new tuner dual runners on his sled and had his stock Apex skis (like new) sittin around so he just gave them to me. they have a single carbide on them with the keel. will it be easier to steer with the apex skis? or are these machines just hard to steer? I haven't even tried the stock skis yet...
thanks guys!
thanks guys!
I have heard that the dual carbides are harder to steer but handle real good. As far as ski goes . Hell for free why not check it and try. Only takes couple minutes to swap. I know I saw on here once a big debate over dual runner or single runner with lots of carbide. I am trying a homemade set of duals but there not working for me. Think Im gonna go back to single with 6" carbide.
New member
yami1 said:I have heard that the dual carbides are harder to steer but handle real good. As far as ski goes . Hell for free why not check it and try. Only takes couple minutes to swap. I know I saw on here once a big debate over dual runner or single runner with lots of carbide. I am trying a homemade set of duals but there not working for me. Think Im gonna go back to single with 6" carbide.
I swapped em last night as soon as I got home. my mechanic needs his RX1 skis back, so I had no choice but to put em on. they look sharp, we'll have to wait n c how they work
it will sit 1/2' lower in the front with the apex skis on. i ran a set of viper skis on my sx500r and it actually steered better than with the stock skis. i only ever ran 6" single carbides.
i would do the ski shim mod from the tec pages and run the apex skis as they are lighter than the stock srx skis. they also have a better carbide selection as that is the pattern that yamaha has used since the viper came out till present.
i would do the ski shim mod from the tec pages and run the apex skis as they are lighter than the stock srx skis. they also have a better carbide selection as that is the pattern that yamaha has used since the viper came out till present.
I have the rx1 skis on mine too.They have a little more agressive keel and are a better ski.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
As a general rule YES dual runners harder to turn. I know a few guys that run a dooley on 1 side and single on the other, Typically dooley on the left hand side of sled as when riding the side of the road that ski sees more pavement/groven gravel. As far as "hard to steer" alot of variables. Even running a single the 10" version of same carbide will be harder to turn than a 4" version. Are you A. Unstudded B. Medium studded C. Heavily studded. The more studs you have the more carbide you need to be able to turn. For example a sled with 244 studs running 4" carbides will want to just keep going straight when you want/need to turn.
New member
well, im gona try em out tomorrow. I don't have studs, my track is f'd. new track in spring when they are cheap. i'll let yas know how they handle for me. thanks for the replies guys!
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
Dual 6 inch carbides on my Viper with studded track and I have wicked steering. I can turn on a dime and find the handling alot better than single carbides..

same here when I had the Arrow twin carbide ski's on my SRX..can turn on a dime..even on concrete.But I sold them.