Millinocket Rocket
New member
Can anyone tell me (Mrviper, BTV, etc..) what condition these two cylinders are in? I don't want to sell them as useable if they're not. One, as you can see has melted piston smeared on it, and the other one is darker and not shiney only on the exhaust port side. The rest of it looks good with crosshatch. There are no grooves that I can see or feel on it. Appreciate any experienced insight
Active member
One on the right is a core, one on the left looks useable but not a high dollar cylinder. Looks like plating is flaking off.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Even as cores they are still worth a few bucks!
Millinocket Rocket
New member
Thanks for the replies, that's what I figured. I had one nice one that I believe is sold, but was wondering what to do with these two.
both of those are pretty much cores, once that plating peels, it needs to be stripped, and replated or that stuff will take out a crank bearing.
Millinocket Rocket
New member
Thanks Don, I'll have to adjust the prices in my parts thread.