Setting up suspension for 1000' on hardpack


Jan 31, 2010
ON, Canada
Wondering if you guys have any suggestions on how to set up your suspension for 1000' of groomed hardpack. Radar runs this weekend. Right now I'm set up for ice but not sure if this will even work good on hardpack snow. The preload is soft in front and front skid shocks, about medium/soft preload in rear, limiters cranked down, spacers on bottom of transfer rods to bring rear wheels back down, and about 1/2 inch gap on top of rods. I have 144 studs hornets and chisels mixed. Im thinking about using straps/chains in the front and rear to get the sled lower but not sure how well this would work. Does this setup sound good for hardpack? Thanks guys
ice,you want weight to the skis for better steering,studs to hookup,clutching and weight transfer done properly youll get one 2 spin for the win.hardpack if you come out of the hole that agressive your just gonna spin,studs arent helping,dont recommend chain down or straps,you actually have the right setup just gotta adjust weight transfer,clutches,test it,write it down see witch is best for your weight and your setup in a hardpack situation,even had buddies not change anything but when you get to the line,creep up heavy throttle and brake hard,hopeing to keep the belt down in the secondary about 1/2 to an inch,for slower takeoff =less spin .proper setup whould be roll up to the line,throttle held ,brake held for 4000rpm light hits green let off the brake,pin it, skis lift 1-3 inches, track spins twice and grabs and your gone .so in a nutshell play with the wrap on the secondary and adjust transfer until best results -find a spot to test,write it down everything you do or youll forget,have a buddy help ya,and test test test on hardpack.otherwise your just gonna spin ..imo ~smoke and it is just radar runs so good luck -guessing 100-120 mph depending let us know how you do :P
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