128 Mono... Any different?


VIP Member
Dec 29, 2008
Northern IL
I'm probably putting a 128 mono in my Viper pretty soon. Is the rear arm different on this skid compared to a 121? I know the 136 that musselman installed needed a little tweaking on the rear arm to fit right. I'd prefer not to have to modify too much on this unit... Any insight on this would be great...
Hey Chris, actually alswagg relocated the skid I think. It was in an SXR. I talked with him a bit at a swap meet in Michigan earlier this year. He still retained the pro action IIRC...
121 mono has been done here a few times. Remember reading the write ups on them. Someone here also made a template for the mono swap.
May have to try that dreaded "search" thing. :D:DP
I saw two of the mono 121's on ebay last summer by the same seller. They wanted around $800 each for them with the dial adjust. I talked to a shop here in the Mpls area and he had done a few of them on Vipers. Gotta cut a hole in the side of the tunnel to install the dial.
I did a search, been researching this for some time. And I did see MrSled put one in his just not much into detail. I was curious about the upper cross shaft and if there were upper track guides without wheels like some 136 that I have seen. I also know about 03viperguys templates for 10 or 20 bucks... So thanks for trying to make me out to be some lazy newbie that doesn't know how to use the search button. Trust me, I've been annoyed too by people that don't search.
journeyman said:
I saw two of the mono 121's on ebay last summer by the same seller. They wanted around $800 each for them with the dial adjust. I talked to a shop here in the Mpls area and he had done a few of them on Vipers. Gotta cut a hole in the side of the tunnel to install the dial.

Yeah I'm not cutting any holes. I have a plan B for this little gem.
I did a 121 monoshock in my viper about 4 years ago now. Here http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=63888 was my thread. There were a few do's and don'ts in there.

Some feedback if I were to ever do it again.
1st, I wouldn't drill the hole in the tunnel for the adjustment knob. The hole is huge and it will be stuck like this forever now. Check out the new vector, it has the knob right on the shock. Honestly for how much I adjust it, its not worth having it on the tunnel. Reaching under the sled to turn the knob would be just as easy.
2nd, If you're on a budget, you could reuse your inside tunnel brackets from your viper, just relocate them. If not, do what Mr.Sled did and use new front and rear brackets. DO this so you can raise the approach angle on the rear, get the tunnel up some. I'm sure it would make a huge difference. The way I did mine, the running boards nearly touch the snow when bottomed out. If you use the Apex rear mounts, you can use the original cross shaft. If using stock rear holes, you need the cross shaft from your viper.
3rd, I would go 128 or 136. After going to a 136 myself, I'd never go back.

I have measurements somewhere, but finding them might be a chore. Probably be best to contact Mr.Sled. If you need them, send me a PM as I'm not on here much anymore.
