New member
I have a 2003 viper with 1000 miles on it. I have been burning almost a quart of oil every 35-40 miles. Obviously this is not correct. I have adjusted cable and it is set to 20mm. The manual calls for 22mm +-1mm. Im thinking that the smaller the distance the less oil would be used. Now I have noticed that after riding the oil cable pulls out of the adjuster barrel. I think that might be were my problem is. Does anyone know if this is common and if there a fix. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank You
Thank You
tk44189 said:I have a 2003 viper with 1000 miles on it. I have been burning almost a quart of oil every 35-40 miles. Obviously this is not correct. I have adjusted cable and it is set to 20mm. The manual calls for 22mm +-1mm. Im thinking that the smaller the distance the less oil would be used. Now I have noticed that after riding the oil cable pulls out of the adjuster barrel. I think that might be were my problem is. Does anyone know if this is common and if there a fix. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank You
Do you have a handlebar riser? If not, zip tie it to the throttle cable, this should help. If you do, get a mountain viper oil cable for it.
If you fix this and it still happens then probably have a faulty oil pump.

Super Moderator
Set to 22-23 and see where your at. Larger gap = less oil. Smaller gap = more oil
tk i have the same problem,the lever the cable is attached to at the motor is stuck in the pulled up position,feeding full oil constantaly,will foul plugs and backfire,smoke like crazy.may even overheat.take the airbox off and push that lever down,also found i had proper gap but factory cable seemed short especially when run down the bars and through the airbox properly,i took mine out of the ring on the steering column,kept it ran through the airbox and it gave me another inch or so to play with..~smoke
New member
Thank you everyone. I will try everything mentioned here. I hope this fixes my issues. One other issue I have, is the sled will only idle when it's choked. When you open the choke she idles at 1800 for about 10 seconds then dies. I'm thinking clogged pilot jets?
=when its choked dumping raw gas enough to compensate for all the oil so it runs for a bit until it loads up again,plugs wet and black?

Super Moderator
Choke to idle = plugged pilots. Pull the carbs for cleaning