2005 viper idle problem


New member
Feb 13, 2013
Hey there I have a 05 viper with 4100 miles on it when I start it the motor runs great and smooth then once it warms up it starts to back fire but not all the time runs good 2 sec or 3 then one pop and repeats I have a vid of it on my phone but don't know how to post it here I think It is either a coil or a reed any ideas and help would be great I can send the vid by email or text to someone if needed
Carbs have been cleaned this year?

TORS switches are all working correctly and throttle cable has enough slack?
Ya carbs were cleaned at the dealer and the tors is bypassed cause I thought that might be the problem
Use some dry gas alcohol I got some stuff in a red bottle cleared mine up ! Bet u got a load of moister still in ur tank! Use alcohol kind of dry gas and make sure u add about a quarter of the bottle if ur filling the tank ! Use less if u don't intend to fill all ! Closer her get on it shake the sled back and forth so the dry gas will assume any water on the top and sides ! Run it for a bit ! It should clear up and get better as ur ride goes along ! I had to repeat this process about 2 times each time I added a lil bit of dry gas and 20 bucks at the pump ! Burn it out all the way fill 50 bucks cured go ride and store your sled next year In te proper environment! With stabil
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First thing is change out the plugs for new or good.Plug your tors back in and lossen your throttle cable adjuster off at the carb untill you have a gap in flipper handle around 1/4 inch before it starts to pull.

Start it and set the idle to speed if needed.Still pops,,, learn how to clean carbs because you have a plugged jet a bad stator or a hole in a piston.
Or a sticky/bad adjusted choke.

The stock gap on Ngk plugs should be fine with bad fuel comes fouling plugs u may spend another set of them clearing ur tank! Yes check ur plugs for sure ! If it look like its firing will be grayish color ! Often these machines foul starting ! Start it with half choke let it run like that about 20 secs release the choke ! Flip the choke if it dies down and it will idle back up past 2k and should go right to 15 or 1600 cold ! Do not o repeat do not touch ur throttle until that beast warms up atleast 5 mins or u will foul for sure
Shure a tank flush is a good idea i always syphon the old gas out and put it in the car.Start out with fresh gas and clean the carbs after it has ran for 5 min and good to go.

my sled has the similar symptoms minus the constant backfire,, see my thread.. while idling it sounds like if it is running in water, like a gurgle.

Anyways, Carbs,plugs\wires, coils

I'm gonna do coils soon and let u know
It is not water in my fuel it would do it on all cylinders if it was he plugs are good . Carbs are cleaned and no hole in the piston
Thank you for all the help
I will be starting with coils and plug caps then if that dosent work I will check the reeds and wiring
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FIXED! It was a broken wire at the temp sensor must have been screwing with thing fixed the wire and all is good
