hey I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of where I could find a kit to replace normal wear items on the primary and secondary clutches?
Yamaha ! eBay might have some stock products new ! Any atv center in ur area
alright ya I was thinking that also. theres a Yamaha dealer in my town but the parts people there are not the smartest lol I basically just wanted to know if there was a kit or a list of the parts that should be replaced every season or every few, but I couldn't find anything in the tech section.
As far as the primary the 2 bushings,one in the cover and one in the sliding sheave,would be the highest wear items.The slider shoes you could check for flat spots but they shouldn`t need to be done yearly.The secondary is pretty much the same deal,a couple of bushings,one in the helix and one in the sheave,but the slider shoes should be inspected more often as they do tend to wear more.
alright thanks fourbarrel that's exactly what I wanted to know! just trying to get the clutch up to snuff for next season.
What kind of miles do you have on it.
I am estimating you can get 4-6000 miles out of the mentioned bushing or more depending on set-up.
Make sure you take your primary to a place that has expirence, otherwise they can mess up your movable sheave on your primary pretty easy.
Don't forget the buttons in the secondary also.
I am estimating you can get 4-6000 miles out of the mentioned bushing or more depending on set-up.
Make sure you take your primary to a place that has expirence, otherwise they can mess up your movable sheave on your primary pretty easy.
Don't forget the buttons in the secondary also.
Also you can go on the micro-fish link at TY'S home page, but most of what you need will have to be purchased seperatley. The bushings in your rollers and weights should be ok until you get a ton of miles on.
K&B in Fort Atkinson just did a friends primary with-out issues (7000 none studed miles on a viper). They probably have more expirence than the local dealer......
They do not have much for a shop but work on allot of yamaha's, and have run them for the last number of years as personal sleds. Also they have quite a bit of used parts for yamahas if the need arises..... Not to mention they try and stock common wear items.
They do not have much for a shop but work on allot of yamaha's, and have run them for the last number of years as personal sleds. Also they have quite a bit of used parts for yamahas if the need arises..... Not to mention they try and stock common wear items.
wedigsrx yea one of my riding buddies has worked there for a long time and get most of my parts through them. my sled has just under 7800 miles, but had no miles put on last year and the year before I put on a new primary and secondary clutch and has been cleaned pretty well.
VIP Gold
confused about clutch tuning..gearing and the like
What are they referring to by green spring wrapped at 70. dalton helixs.. hauck this... that 48. 38.. .. .. totally confused.
Im about to extend the stock viper to 136 and its suggested I gear it down. keeping stock 9 tooth drivers though.
are we talking about gearing down in the chain case? also about the clutch, this clicker talk has got me soooo confused.. red green blue in the face.
I dont want to loose anymore top speed, the big open flats im ringing its neck at 105 with the 121" ... a friend mentioned when riding it, that hed like to see it back shift sooner in the trails..
sincerely -We todd did
What are they referring to by green spring wrapped at 70. dalton helixs.. hauck this... that 48. 38.. .. .. totally confused.
Im about to extend the stock viper to 136 and its suggested I gear it down. keeping stock 9 tooth drivers though.
are we talking about gearing down in the chain case? also about the clutch, this clicker talk has got me soooo confused.. red green blue in the face.
I dont want to loose anymore top speed, the big open flats im ringing its neck at 105 with the 121" ... a friend mentioned when riding it, that hed like to see it back shift sooner in the trails..
sincerely -We todd did
kirkswim did not gear down his viper at all and it runs awsome. he is using 40-10 heelclickers with the red spring and an advantage helix on the secondary. still hits 105mph as a 136 with a ripsaw. you cann ot get his helix anymore but dalton makes one that is close. pm him for tips.
umm snowtwister pretty sure you just hijacked this thread??