will this work ???

chris700readhead said:
Yes but it won't perform right. The clutch is set up for the higher horsepower srx. Just put your spring and weights in it and your good to go.
well if the weights r hevier and the sring is aswell will it not balance out
warx22 said:
i forgot to mention i have reed mod and rumble pack so the horse is not to far off

I bet those offset each other so no gain. Like was said above, switch weights and spring and bolt it on.
Bigboss said:
Buy a 700 srx! 8df ha ! Switch ur inside comments over and ride
not sure who this is directed at but 8dfs are good weights if you know what your doing with them, i have beaten a ton of sleds with them in my srx 600 including a 2013 mxz 600, vipers, zr 600's a piped 700, zrt 600, '02 xc600 with VES, 600ho revs, fIII 700, '08 firecat 600 and i can run with a stock srx 700 up to about 80 and then itll pull a couple of lengths on me, have lost to a z1 turbo, apex and a CFR 800 but those arnt even comparable so no 8df's arnt a joke
what about???

can i not tune the weights to perform properlythere only about 3.58 grams difference in the stock weights what u guys think
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just switch the weights and spring over, and the rollers if they are different size.
SRX and SXr are NOT the same sled and have totally diferent engines

one is a simple case reed triple single pipe(98hp)

the SRX is a power valved,case reed triple pipe(124hp)

people are giving you good advice, take it.
if you dont want to, why did you even ask a quistion here.
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well i blew a weight off my clutch and bought one off an srx and im missing one weight which was a thunder shift cam arm and u cant just buy one so have to buy whole shift kit. so i guess i need new ones unless sombody on ttly has some for sale
so i was just trying to save some dough!!!!!
warx22 said:
well i blew a weight off my clutch and bought one off an srx and im missing one weight which was a thunder shift cam arm and u cant just buy one so have to buy whole shift kit. so i guess i need new ones unless sombody on ttly has some for sale
so i was just trying to save some dough!!!!!

if you mentioned you had a thunder shift cam arm and you didnt have stock ones,
then you would of got different responses.
you should be able to find somthing that will work in the classifieds
otherwise it dont cost anything to try to make it work with what you have
the shift kit arm is the one im missing and messed up my clutch now i have the srx600 stock clutch thats why i was asking thanks for the advice so need some weights and srpring for sxr 600 any body let me know
