Clutch setup


New member
Mar 18, 2012
hey guys,
i got a speed run this weekend and i was wondering if anyone had a good setup for a 2000 srx 700 for 660 ft.
needaSRX said:
8Bu-00's would be a good place to start

I agree, but unfortunately he's working out of my toolbox and my 8bu00s are currently packed up for the mail tomorrow because I just sold them.
We've got bu10s in his sled right now but I dont think they will be best for 660.
I've got some heelclickers sets but I plan on running one set and the other set is notched and I think he'll blow out the hole with the engagement.
do you have any 8ca's?

or better yet what parts do i have to choose from weights,primary springs, helix?
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Hey Don
I've got 8ca's for him to try. I was planning on making some runs with the Viper with the heelclickers, 8ca's, and heavy hitters. I've got good setups for each of these (some of them yours) for my sled.
he can use any of these whenever I'm not. besides those I've got 8ek00, 8dn10, 89a10, 8bu10, and the hauck X weights. I've got most spring helix combos for him to try too.
I just threw something out there I thought you were messing with him after your one post about see your name on the leader board LOL!

But I would try the Hauck weights with 47/41 green at 70 21/40 gearing and have them weigh around 55.5 gram seem to be the weight
89a10's with 2.4 in the tip and first hole, green/white/green(45/136kg) primary spring, 51/43 helix with green at 60-70
