brake fade


New member
Mar 24, 2004
What makes the brakes fade after 2 or 3 uses when riding hard ? Brake still works, just have to pull the brake lever more before they start to work. I have put new dot 4 fluid in and bled them. This is on a viper. Thanks for any input.
X2 on start with the fluid. What kind of life do you have left on pads? If pads are healthy enough for another season or two you can open the bleader and keep putting fresh fluid in at the res. When its coming out bleeder looking clean/new your done.
lhviper said:
What makes the brakes fade after 2 or 3 uses when riding hard ? Brake still works, just have to pull the brake lever more before they start to work. I have put new dot 4 fluid in and bled them. This is on a viper. Thanks for any input.

going too fast on that

Leonard, try to bleed it agin and work the brake lever very slowly so you dont put little bubbles in it, just a few smooth pulls and have someone loosen the bleeders on caliper, repeat and watch the fluid level in the master cyl. keep it full.
