Motor Interchangability


New member
Dec 3, 2012
Saskatoon, SK Canada
Hello again,

I have another question for the experts here;

If you read my previous post you'll know my SRX melted a piston and I need to rebuild the top end. I've been looking at all my options before I tear into it and am thinking about buying a used/rebuilt long block to swap in. My sled is a '99. My question is regarding what year motors will interchange without major pains? I believe the 98/99's are identical? The 00-02 have updated electrical? will a newer longblock bolt into my '99 if i reuse my stator, recoil, PV's etc, or do I need to find a 98/99?

if you want it to bolt in you need a 98-99 only bottomend. The topends will interchange as long as you use all 3 cyl and all 3 heads together.

the differance in the bottom ends is the 98-99 use the 175 watt ign and the flywheel is larger in diameter then the 2000-02 is, so the casting on the crankcase for the pick up coil is in a differnt location. So thats why you cant just bolt your 98-99 stator and flywheel on a 2000-02, the flywheel will hit the case casting.
If you find a smoking deal on an 00 and up (crashed/etc) you can swap complete motor/harness/CDI/Dual bulb and be STYLIN! I noticed you asked about shipping on Blackedout96 thread, By far the best bang for your buck and that 98 motor will fit your 99 like a glove!
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