Oil cable adjustment for sx600


New member
Jan 23, 2013
New Hampshire
I was looking through threads and I see a lot of info about the adjustment measurement ie: 21mm. But what are you exactly measuring and where. A little more detailed info would be greatly appreciated. Do I have to remove anything to adjust the cable? Again, what exactly am I measuring( be very specific please). My 2000 sx600 is burning about a quart to 3 gallons of gas. Thanks
wilbglc said:
I was looking through threads and I see a lot of info about the adjustment measurement ie: 21mm. But what are you exactly measuring and where. A little more detailed info would be greatly appreciated. Do I have to remove anything to adjust the cable? Again, what exactly am I measuring( be very specific please). My 2000 sx600 is burning about a quart to 3 gallons of gas. Thanks

This is red head tripple right? quart to 3 gallon is roughly 12:1, should be shooting for 50:1 range. Couple questions. Bar riser? OEM or aftermarket cable? I dont know what measurement is correct for your sled, If its an aftermarket cable throw out any number you get from a OEM manual as it probably will be differant (method of measure maybe as well). If everything is OEM then in the middle of oil cable you will find an adjuster. Roll the rubber cover off bottom side and gently pull cable housing out of adjuster (as you pull apart it is moving pump arm) When you have it pulled all the way measure between the end of cable housing and the end of adjust ment barrrel housing. Smaller number = more oil, Larger number = less oil.
