98 srx 700 help


New member
Sep 9, 2011
i have acouple ???? on my srx what would be a good set up clutching for trail and drags i ran radar on lake morey and did 104 mph in 1000ft all i did was spin i was on plowed and swept ice but i do trail ride the sled so im looking for a good setup or aeasy 1 to drag and trail ride any help would be great thanks
2nd when i was draging when it gets to about 40 50 mph this is wide open and i hit a little bump it seems the chain jumps a tooth i did check the tension and it was good so im thing the gear are worn it does have a new chain with 400 miles on it . it does go fune trail riding if i was to change the gear would it be smart to get a new chain as well thanks again
Check your track tension, it sounds like its skipping on drive lugs, I doubt its the chain skipping.
Not sure you'll find a clutch setup to satisfy both needs you have there,usually you have to go for one thing or the other.Heelclickers seem to be a decent weight for all around use though or even 8BU 10's,not sure what helix to use with the 8BU's though.
I'm running clickers in my 98 with a 50/38 ( I think) helix and a green spring wrapped at 70* if I remember right.I have it written down at home and I'll double check after work.The weights have the heel loaded,the middle hole empty and the tip has 4gr I think.
Like ssrrxx said the skipping is most likely your track ratcheting and if your spinning that badly get a set of adjustable transfer rods in that skid.How is the track studded?Quantity?
Do you still have the stock 15 wide 37/23 gearing?? Thats what my 98 SRX came with, I could do 118 on radar when it was new, but got beat drag racing unless it was 1/2 mile+. I went to 38/22 13 wide and get 106 to 110 all the time with incredible mid range for trail riding and never beat in the 1/8 or 1/4 mile, You will need to get adjustable transfer rods to stop the spinning and this will get the skiis in the air, it'll also put a week long smile on your face. After these mods I went for a bender heelclicker kit and it was quicker then stock clutching set up but no top end gain. This lasted me for 20,000K, and know i'm trying to get my rats set up. Alot of guy's swear by Mr viper 700 set up as the best all around yamaha set up. Theres lots of his post's on clutching, which are real good read. You can have alot of fun with this doing one thing at a time to seeing the improvements. Good luck and have fun with this.
the sled is all stock with a 1 inch track and 144 studs i do have a chance to get a speed track with over 200 picks but that wouldnt be that great on the trail i will look into transfer rods and heelclickers. there is a atex with apile of work done to it that id like to go by im2 sled lengths behind and he can pull anymore on me i think if i get hooked up i will go bye with no problem. i also ran a new z1 turbo that thing is just stupid fast hooks up good and goes but i start gaining around 100 but thanks again for the info
