01 srx vs 06 F7 Tony Stewart


New member
Jan 28, 2013
Just recently went up to Cadillac Michigan and my buddy has a 06 Artic Cat F7 Tony Stewart Edition. Both of are sleds are bone stock with 144 studs down middle or I should say mine is bone stock with studs dont know if he was telling me the truth. Well we lined up and outcome was 1/4 mile I took him off line and mid range and right around top of mid to top he just walked away. I thought for some reason the SRX's were faster then F7's or am I wrong or did I just race one were he maybe was hiding out what he had down to sled? :sled1:
if youre bone stock working on your clutching can help close the gap.
the loaded 8dn setup is a good all around setup that will put some power down to the track. or you can get more aggressive but you will have to give up in other areas. all depends type of riding you mostly do.
yep agree with these guys if he passed you on topend, he likely has a clutch kit or other goodies that are hidden which is very,very easy on a fall apart 7.

dial in your 8dn20 set up and the result will change.
not sure how much faster the the 700s are but i raced a stock '08 F6 and had it by a good 3-4 lengths, im guessing that thing had work done :rulez:
X2 with everybody. HUGE differance between "stock out of the box" and a "stock...dialed in" Stock set up on SRX tends to over rev.....losing HP/Speed up top....right where he got you!
Sorry to burst you bubbles fellas, but F7s can run top end as well. I've owned an SRX and an 06 F7 with Diamond Drive....F7 hauled the mail on top. I did alot of radaring back in 05/06/07 and the DD F7s would consistantly pull higher top speeds than chainer F7s.. stock for stock. 114-118 were consistant speeds. I never lost to an SRX and we ran 2000 ft. My buddy had his 01 SRX dialed in both clutching wise (set up by Iantomsi Racing) and suspension wise...we were close on the bottom, usually me by a ski and then I would walk away at around 1300 ft and pull him by 2 or 3 lengths and I was bone stock. The 06 models require very little in the way of clutch tweaking...77g weights were usually the ticket to get the rpms in the sweet spot. While I loved my SRX, I loved my F7 just as much...over all it was a faster sled.
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if the f7 is dialed in there is no doubt he's got his hands full. but he can certainly close the gap, and if the f7 isnt dialed in he can beat it. I agree they are fast and quick but if his srx isnt dialed in yet it can only get better.
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shaddow44 said:
Sorry to burst you bubbles fellas, but F7s can run top end as well. I've owned an SRX and an 06 F7 with Diamond Drive....F7 hauled the mail on top. I did alot of radaring back in 05/06/07 and the DD F7s would consistantly pull higher top speeds than chainer F7s.. stock for stock. 114-118 were consistant speeds. I never lost to an SRX and we ran 2000 ft. My buddy had his 01 SRX dialed in both clutching wise (set up by Iantomsi Racing) and suspension wise...we were close on the bottom, usually me by a ski and then I would walk away at around 1300 ft and pull him by 2 or 3 lengths and I was bone stock. The 06 models require very little in the way of clutch tweaking...77g weights were usually the ticket to get the rpms in the sweet spot. While I loved my SRX, I loved my F7 just as much...over all it was a faster sled.

Was the 01 srx set up for 1/4 mile(1320ft) or the 2000ft you guys were racing?
03 fall apart 7 was the one, it came with 10 tooth drivers on it, the later ones have 9 tooth drivers, track rolls alot easier, and no diamond drive on the 03's. All the records for speed runs are 03 fall apart 7's that I have seen.

sled is lighter with same and sometimes a little more hp, but it can only go a couple more mph faster then a srx , look at the records for yourself, its not like they are 120mph and a srx is 110mph. Its like 2mph.

Lets make the srx weight the same and see what the result is........

also, the fall apart7's seem to really have alot of variance as to the ones that run good, 1 out of 5, the other 5 are turds.......they are strange like that. :dunno:

World records:

2003 f7-116.599mph in 1000ft

srx700- 114.893mph in 1000ft,

thats 1.70mph differance for a way lighter sled vs the old srx.!!
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Lets make the srx weight the same and see what the result is........

also, the fall apart7's seem to really have alot of variance as to the ones that run good, 1 out of 5, the other 5 are turds.......they are strange like that. :dunno:

World records:

2003 f7-116.599mph in 1000ft

srx700- 114.893mph in 1000ft,

thats 1.70mph differance for a way lighter sled vs the old srx.!![/QUOTE]

The F7's certainly had their problems, especially the early one's. Unfortunately, for the owners of other models horsepower wasn't one of them. A 700 twin (the good one's) that can make topend power with a triple is certainly impressive. Everybody know's that's were triples shine is on the big-end. The twin engines were supposed to be for corner to corner acceleration.

Making the srx the same weight as a F7 would be alot easier if it didn't have an extra cylinder to haul around. But then again, it would probably lose a few hp in the tradeoff. Power/weight is VERY important!
Hey Dave..

srx dry weight-522lb
03 f7 dry weight-430lbs

thats 92lbs lighter .......

if ya wanted to take weight off the srx first place is the rear skidframe, it weighs 68lbs, its a tank of a suspension. second place is the exhaust system, the muffler is about equal to a small block chevy...lol(kidding) we can leave the 3 cylinder engine its not very heavy.

How many f7's beat me on the Ohio state assoc grass race series in 2003 when I raced the 02 srx in 700 and 800 stock??, you were there.......

I know... I kinda favor the srx but the f7 is a sore subject :whine: , they are the reason the srx cant cut the mustard now in 700 stock, they give them still a 50 or 60lb weight break. Before that it was 75 or 80lbs it was ridiculous... It makes it about the same as someone riding a skinny girlfriend on the back of your srx and racing it...lol

the legal weight for the srx was 750lbs.......oink,oink
Ya know Don, I really don't want to have a major debate with ya everytime I make a post on here. Forums are for people who wanna share ideas and opinions. Not everybody's is gonna be the same.

You can talk about how much weight is on the machine (srx) in its various parts n pieces. Maybe yamaha should have done something about it. Cat did. And evidently, all these years later, Cat was better at it or Yammi wouldn't have had to use Cat's procross chassis as a platform for their own engine.

Anybody can talk what ifs all day long. If the srx wasn't so heavy. If only it was an 800 instead of a 700. And on n on. The SRX in its day was a very good drag machine and lake racer. And still is even today. Especially considering it was 100cc's down on many of its competitors. But times change, and newer, better, lighter weight, and more powerful models prevail.

I don't know how many F7's you used to take down back then, I wasn't counting. As mentioned previously, I'm more into the recreational aspects of sledding than competion. Just really don't have the time for it. But I do know one for sure, Ricks. And not to discredit ur accomplishments but, Rick N. really did not have a clue what he was doing. His clutches were misadjusted 90% of the time. Not sure what ur record was against Cape at the time.

You seem to have already answered your own question on why the F7's are a sore subject with ya. Cat used a different formula and produced a very competitive machine. Ya can't blame them for producing a lightweight powerhouse. If one can do it the rest have to follow suit or get left in the snowdust. I believe its called survival of the fitest; or something like that. Why should a cat or any other brand have to add weight so everybody else can be competitve. Seems like the others should LOSE weight if they wanna be competitive. Either that or take another look at the rulebook. Just like the NHRA did with the V-rods in prostock competion.

Fortunatly, for many other owners of competing sleds, Cat's quality control is not up to Yammi's standards. If it was they would be even more formidable. Not just 1 outta 5; but all 5.

Sorry for the long post. And no offense intended to anyone.
Not a problem Dave on debating me, I dont come here looking to do so or have time to.

Simply put, dont "quote" my post and then try to discredit/dispute my post without any actual facts. you've posted nothing but just merely your opinion..........
I think you have managed to turn this whole thing around to furfill your quest of running yamaha down.

Yamaha is supplying shipping and building there moters at there factorys and sending them over to the cat factory to be opened by there workers and hoisted into a sled built by them.

I see it as cat needed a fast reliable 4 stroke moter to compete with the skidoo 4 stroke not as you are trying to make it sound,

Tony with my son having purchased an 03 f7 I have done a lot of tinkering with them in the last year? 05/06 ecu has been set up differently than the 03. 03 had a terrible lean spot in mid range causing a lot of piston failures! The 06 box has richened the mid range and leaned out the top end giving a bit stronger top end. They can still be improved upon with a time key change and a fuel reducer. $75.00 in parts and a gain of around 4-5 hp. This combination makes them very strong runners. Now if the person wanted to run a
Race box things get even stronger. Huge timing changes down low tapering off on top end. Their on the edge but very fast. Best advice I could give anyone running a very fast F7 is to try to get him to hot lap the runs! If He has a race box it pulls out all the temp and timing retard features of the stock ecu. When he gets hot it will fail! Other than that if he's set up well you better have your A game you can't afford any mistakes in your set up if you want to be close.
Well I believe I mentioned in the second sentence of my post that I was sharing an opinion. I don't feel the need to back up everything I say with hard numbers. (Besides, this is the internet, couldn't say it if it wasn't true, right?) Bonjour! LOL

But then again, I didn't have too. You already did. Why do you think I only quoted some of your info. A member stated in the opening thread of this post that he was beaten by an F7. Lower weight and comparable horsepower to his srx.

Bluewho:if you are refering to me "running down Yamahas" I currently own 4 of them including a 2002 mint condition SRX. I really don't think Cat "needed" a motor from Yamaha as they have been doing just fine with suzuki powerplants for how many years now? Cat currently claims "The fastest production sled" title; a distinction they seem to charish. Its not a Yamaha powerplant in there. If all they needed was a powerplant to compete, why not just buy them. Yamaha certainly has the resources to build a chassis of there own. Or do they???
LongLeggedSRX said:
Just recently went up to Cadillac Michigan and my buddy has a 06 Artic Cat F7 Tony Stewart Edition. Both of are sleds are bone stock with 144 studs down middle or I should say mine is bone stock with studs dont know if he was telling me the truth. Well we lined up and outcome was 1/4 mile I took him off line and mid range and right around top of mid to top he just walked away. I thought for some reason the SRX's were faster then F7's or am I wrong or did I just race one were he maybe was hiding out what he had down to sled? :sled1:

Consider this a perfect opportunity to fix your sled because something is wrong with your setup. Depending on what kind of friend he is, check both clutches for worn out bushings, replace then race again, still getting beat, check track tension, bearings, powervalves, etc. then race again. I was lucky enough to have 2 friends both with srx's, we'd sit on a lake or field all day messing with the sleds, changing gearing, clutching, suspension, when someone stayed in front, the other 2 wouldn't stop tinkering till they were leading. This went on for years. I'm not saying my sled is faster than anyone else's, but I've never had a F7 beat me on top end. As stated before, some are alot faster than others. We don't race professionally, just friendly matches on fields and lakes. Of the 15-20 different F7's I've raced over the years, 2 or 3 gave me a scare till top end.
Just giving my .02 cents worth (which is probably worth .01)
