Flipper issue~1 time only

PPS. inc

New member
Oct 2, 2011
gods country, USA
Hey fellas,
Rode to b fast the other day, about 22 miles to get there. Oil was topped off before we left. Smoking before we went in and I noticed the oil cable had come out of the flipper. Pretty sure I only rode .25 mile or less cause I was messing around on some huge snow banks along the rode and was on and off pretty hard. Oil was down in the tank a ways too. Has this happend to anyone else. So happy I am constantly looking things over and noticed. The flipper would not set down cause of the knob on the end of the cable, only about a quarter inch. Just so happy I found it. After the snowbanks we had to cruse about 10 mph or lower so I am confident no serious damage took place. Any good way to bullet proof this. Rode 200 miles after and it never came out, I bet I looked at it a couple hundred times the next few days. Ride safe out there fellas.
