weird in viperville


New member
Sep 16, 2012
started the beast,let it get fully warm,took off slow little poppy sounding-seemed to clean up running(on the road),so i opened her up a bit 70-80 mph-feathered her back down got to about 30 mph tors kicked in,let it drop to idle,ran perfect,slammed back up wot no issues,running awesome-had simmilar issues out on the lake,first time last weekend had the opportunity to get it out on a lake and hold it open for a bit-sometimes would hold at 75-7800 rpm and act like i was down a cylinder or chokeing on one,back off the throttle,cruise at about 25-30 mph pin it,right to 8500 and pulling real hard ,broke 100mph on the dreamometer ,no issues,havent yet checked plugs(fairly new ones)carbs cleaned-91 non ethanol.first race on the lake with this setup(turks setup)53/43 bender helix -green spring-40 wrap-raced 800etec, 600 etec and f7,left em 30+feet behind me.guess im asking if anyone will get tors or a dog out sometimes and what it might be from?warm day and my carb heaters on?bad gas?bad adjustments?seemed to run sputtery then like a scalded dog im stumped.thanks for the help ~smoke
how about checking the throttle cable adjustment, see if its tight, you might be just on the edge of it and activating the tors, it needs to have slack in it for the switch to make good contact. It will still open the carbs up all the way with slack in the cable.
ill check that,sync,idk but plugs prior to change ,pto dark chocolate, center dark chocolate,mag wet and black,yet still havent had a chance to pull them from wot runs on the lake,maybe loaded up from trail running,then i hit the lake with it idk. if this is the reason for the sputter.yet machine was warmed up!!!~thanks
