SRX bogging at 1500 rpm's


New member
Aug 26, 2012
Newfoundland, Canada
I have a 99 SRX that I bought last September. The engine was rebuilt before I bought it. It ran fine this summer before I put it away. Here's the problem, it starts and runs fine. At about 1500 RPM's it bogs and won't move. Carbs were cleaned and cleaned again, reeds changed. For a few seconds it did run good but then bogged again. One thing I did notice is that there's an area on the case where it was welded. Lost a rod down through I assume but wasn't told. Also the cases seem to be held together with JB Weld. Is it possible that it's sucking in air somewhere? Any help would be great. Thanks.
That doesn't sound good that the cases are welded and that may be the cause of your problem. Since the carbs were cleaned and the reeds have been changed it rules those two things out. Check the throttle cable to make sure there's some slack in it. It may be triggering the TORS. If there is slack you could bypass the TORS and make sure its not that. Hopefully its one of these easy things to fix/check.
Never even thought about that. It would probably explain why it did go for a short burst. I'll give that a try first and go from there. Thanks.
You cleaned those pilots really well? Sometimes spraying them and blowing them out with an air compressor is not good enough. Carb boots and reed cages seated correctly? belt in good shape with good center to center and set in the secondary correctly? Just a few things to check.
