

New member
Oct 11, 2009
does anyone have much luck regeariing?? like i think i have it right, but if i drop one tooth on top that should give me more get up an go on bottom end which is what i want..i race some buddies just for fun so looking for alittle more out of the hole power..what do you guys think? let me know what works best
i nv do wide open long runs so i never see my top end so thats why im not to worried about losing a bit..i do a lot of trail riding and some racing for fun so would like alittle more power in those areas..but never heard of many people regearing so i wasnt sure
I dropped one on mine. I liked the difference. When you do the gearing math it comes out to a theoretical top speed of about 102 mph (real not speedo indicated) at 8600 rpm. This is after dropping the tooth to 21/38 at a 1 to 1 clutch shift out. No overdrive. I have seen 118 mph and still pulling on the speedo with this gearing in perfect conditions. It is such a rare situation to find conditions to allow these speeds that I am not sure why they gear them that high to begin with. Stock 22/38 would allow 107mph in theory. That would be about 122 on the speedo. I think very few people ever see that on a stock viper.
Here is my experience, I went one tooth bigger on top. Against logic but I had 2 other srx's to race before and after the change. Before the change all 3 sleds were real close out of the hole, after gearing up I would jump them by 2-3 sleds from the start, then slowly walk away. Maybe it was track speed that got me out in front, I don't know, but it worked great. Gearing down makes sense if your hooking up, but most of the racing we do is on lakes and fields where everyone lines up and pins it. Also, I didn't have to play with clutching after gearing up, went right to 8400 and stayed there in all conditions. I've had very good luck with this.
Ok so I think ill drop to 21 tooth and see what kind of difference it is..will this change my rpm because at the moment I'm under revving I primary is stock but I do have a 53/43 helix with green dot dec spring and its revving 8250..what can I do to get my rpm up and where exactly do I want it..I think most say 8400 but can't remember..will the change in gearing bring me where I want ?
It will bring it up some but I doubt it will be enough. I'm guessing 100 to 200 rpm. If you have the stock EK weights & spring I would think it would be higher even with that helix. They like to over rev stock normally. I would verify engine is pulling as hard as it should 1st. Check power valves, carb sync, compression, maybe primary spring is tired, secondary way loose. Maybe just warm day with very heavy snow. at the end coul always get lighter weight rivots or remove if necessary. I think you want to aim for 8500 to 8600 at full shift speed even though I think the book says 8400 rpm.
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BornYamaha said:
It will bring it up some but I doubt it will be enough. I'm guessing 100 to 200 rpm. If you have the stock EK weights & spring I would think it would be higher even with that helix. They like to over rev stock normally. I would verify engine is pulling as hard as it should 1st. Check power valves, carb sync, compression, maybe primary spring is tired, secondary way loose. Maybe just warm day with very heavy snow. at the end coul always get lighter weight rivots or remove if necessary. I think you want to aim for 8500 to 8600 at full shift speed even though I think the book says 8400 rpm.

This guy is 100% right on the money, follow his advice!!!! ;)! ;)! :2strokes:
