jaws jr
New member
any one else check out the 2014 artic lineup? I see a new 2 cyl 4 stroker and new 2 strokes, but haven't found the yamaha 3 nytro motor yet? Still haven't found the viper look alike yet either?

pass on a link please.
jaws jr
New member
http://www.arcticcat.com/snow/sled/ZR7000LTD Heres artic version, at least its not identical.
Yes I have saw it lastnight it looks like a viper LMFAO
only afew changes but same sled
only afew changes but same sled
New member
They are all listed. They call the sleds ZR, el tigre, and such. The ZR 7000 is the nytro powered one, the zr6000 is the 600 2 stroke
Yes unfortunately the nytro powered cat has cat clutches.
Yes unfortunately the nytro powered cat has cat clutches.
jaws jr
New member
How about a 2015 srx 800 with the 160 hp 2 stroker, but i want old school srx styled hood.....we can dream!
Arctic Cat has so many sleds to choose from, the ZR 7000 with cat clutching interests me. I thought they were going to keep the engine and clutching all Yamaha from what I read ? Watching a Cat play last weekend how do they turn ? The front end was in the air at will and jumping 6 - 8 ft in the air looked damaging to me but he kept going, until he rolled it.
Arctic Cat has so many sleds to choose from, the ZR 7000 with cat clutching interests me. I thought they were going to keep the engine and clutching all Yamaha from what I read ? Watching a Cat play last weekend how do they turn ? The front end was in the air at will and jumping 6 - 8 ft in the air looked damaging to me but he kept going, until he rolled it.

that may be their selling feature..show that their Cats can leap(Cat walk) and you will impress the Cat riders so much that they will line up with cash in hand.The clutch will blow eventually and the belt.I remember my cousin years back(Arctic Cat) guy,on his Wildcat..that thing would whistle by my place but eventually I heard he was blowing clutch's over an over and finally he just gave up sledding after that..
I have seen my share of torn up belts on the River here.stopped to check and of course AC belts.I see less and less Cats out my way now even though the dealer is not to far from me..h'mmm..I see more doo's instead..interesting indeed.This dealer years ago tried to sell me a new Cat..I said no thankyou.He is a local big equipment contractor.He and his family do Hwy Construction and moving earth.They are the ones that dug out my Pond in order to haul dirt to place around my House when I was building.They have also been the AC dealer here since the 70's.
I have seen my share of torn up belts on the River here.stopped to check and of course AC belts.I see less and less Cats out my way now even though the dealer is not to far from me..h'mmm..I see more doo's instead..interesting indeed.This dealer years ago tried to sell me a new Cat..I said no thankyou.He is a local big equipment contractor.He and his family do Hwy Construction and moving earth.They are the ones that dug out my Pond in order to haul dirt to place around my House when I was building.They have also been the AC dealer here since the 70's.
hmm, no weight listed for it on cats site either......its not really ironic "its looks like the viper", because it is the same thing as a viper, its just differnt colors and stickers.
:-) Same mold different flavor.mrviper700 said:hmm, no weight listed for it on cats site either......its not really ironic "its looks like the viper", because it is the same thing as a viper, its just differnt colors and stickers.
New member
Except worse clutching as well. The car does seem to cost less a far as msrp than the new viper. I thought I saw a putty tat with the nytro motor that was under 12,000. The least expensive viper was what, 12,700?Sxr700Bandit said::-) Same mold different flavor.