Has anyone ever retrofitted hooked handlebars on a ProAction sled (Viper, SRX, etc.) that has the non-splitable 1 piece throttle block? I assume you had to change to the newer splitable 2 piece style and re-wire.
What can you tell me about the swap?
What can you tell me about the swap?
Used a throttle block from a 2004 viper S or an RX-1....same thing. Bought the split OEM throttle/oiler cable for a Viper S......I believe there is a long 2004 Mountain Viper version available too.
Used a throttle block from a 2004 viper S or an RX-1....same thing. Bought the split OEM throttle/oiler cable for a Viper S......I believe there is a long 2004 Mountain Viper version available too.
I took the easy road on one, I just cut the bar a up under where the throttle would still slide forward enough to weld it back together , made up a couple inch slug to slide in to help out the weld, then weld and grind back together, paint up a bit and there you go.
the other way I have none them on narrower bars that i didn't have room to slide was to cut the block in half, drill some cross holes into it and duramix it back totether.
I have a throttle from an apex if you want to go that direction . you could use the up down switch to run your electric adjust headlight
the other way I have none them on narrower bars that i didn't have room to slide was to cut the block in half, drill some cross holes into it and duramix it back totether.
I have a throttle from an apex if you want to go that direction . you could use the up down switch to run your electric adjust headlight