Cluthing snd belt help.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
So last night a snapped a belt due to slipping it not too long ago. So my question to you is how much could one expect on paying the stealership for a new belt and also a simple maintenance on the clutches. I know that the primary has a rebuild kit but I can't find one for the secondary. I'm pretty sure the rear one is acting up cause when I open the clutch to put a new belt it won't close by itself. Is that the spring or cams?
Thanks in advance.
what wrap is the 2ndary at??? Are the cams worn down to much,also maybe the spring is broke.There should be a lot of resistance when you open the sheave and should just slam back easily.Maybe bushings are gone also..I would change bushings if it hasn't been done for a long time.Belts from dealership could easily be $125 plus.I always pu some extra belts when I order parts from the US.Belts there are under $50.00
SXviperER said:
So last night a snapped a belt due to slipping it not too long ago. So my question to you is how much could one expect on paying the stealership for a new belt and also a simple maintenance on the clutches. I know that the primary has a rebuild kit but I can't find one for the secondary. I'm pretty sure the rear one is acting up cause when I open the clutch to put a new belt it won't close by itself. Is that the spring or cams?
Thanks in advance.

i pay $70 or $80 for a blet from a dealer, I dont remember.
on the primary check to make sure all the rollers spin freely and depending on the km on sled you could do the bushings and spider slides,
the bushings need to be pressed in, so if you dont have a press i think the dealer charges like $50 to press them in. it wouldnt hurt to change the springs in both clutches there are about $20 a peice. if its dirty clean it with brake cleaner.
the secondary has bushings that have to be pressed in too, the sliding sheave and the helix have bushings.
there are also black slide buttons that the helix slides on.

Just some things to check out
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I paid $55 for my last yamaha belt from Port Yamaha. They always had the best prices around here. But that was 2 seasons ago.

On your secondary, do you mean the clutch will not close when there is no belt on? Yikes, definitely something broke or really wore out bad. Sled couldn't have been drivable like that. As for clutch parts I just bite the bullet and get them from dealer with a little discount. I've seen the rebuild kits in the catalogs, but doubt if they are oem.
K, Thanks for the info guys. Yeah the clutch wouldn't close after opening it to insert the belt. I manually pushed it back together and limped it home. I might just bite the bullet and order two belts (one spare) for our friend over the border. Ill call my local dealership to just compare.
Good chance that there are just threads or broken belt stuck in the secondary if you shredded a belt. Thats why it wont close. Check that out first
Big_Phil said:
Good chance that there are just threads or broken belt stuck in the secondary if you shredded a belt. Thats why it wont close. Check that out first

X2 happend to my buddy this year.
although you most likely would've seen it if it was wrapped up in the secondary
