A few weeks ago my buddies and I were on our annual "Guys week out" in the north woods of Wisconsin. We met up with a group of riders from the LaCrosse area at the Big Bear bar and grill. When we left the group fell in behind us a few miles down the trail only to have their lead rider hit me as I took a left hand turn off the road ditch into the woods.
It was dark so it wasn't easy to see the sleds but we loooked them over and it appeared that the only damage I had on my sled was a small crease in the rolled edge of my tunnel near the left foot well and a small dent in the trailing arm. So, we parted ways and I never got the guys name, insurance info or license #. Well, that's not all the damage there was. He hit me hard enough to twist the whole tunnel. the "W" arm in the rear suspension now binds bad enough that the bolts came out of it on either side and ovaled-out the bolt holes and the drive/jack shafts are no longer parallel which caused the jack shaft to shift towards the clutch about 2 inches which in turn drove the drive gear and nut off the jack shaft. So, my sled is totalled because it needs a new tunnel but the sled is not worth the material and labor cost to replace the tunnel.
The guy that hit me was on a new or newer orange and white F8. If you happen to know who this guys is, I would like to ask that you PM me with his contact information to see if I can contact him to work this out.
It was dark so it wasn't easy to see the sleds but we loooked them over and it appeared that the only damage I had on my sled was a small crease in the rolled edge of my tunnel near the left foot well and a small dent in the trailing arm. So, we parted ways and I never got the guys name, insurance info or license #. Well, that's not all the damage there was. He hit me hard enough to twist the whole tunnel. the "W" arm in the rear suspension now binds bad enough that the bolts came out of it on either side and ovaled-out the bolt holes and the drive/jack shafts are no longer parallel which caused the jack shaft to shift towards the clutch about 2 inches which in turn drove the drive gear and nut off the jack shaft. So, my sled is totalled because it needs a new tunnel but the sled is not worth the material and labor cost to replace the tunnel.
The guy that hit me was on a new or newer orange and white F8. If you happen to know who this guys is, I would like to ask that you PM me with his contact information to see if I can contact him to work this out.