Fuel Screw setting on 2000 SRX


New member
Feb 27, 2013
Hey everyone. Took my carbs out for a cleaning and to make adjustments to the fuel screws. I set the screws to the stock setting and i am getting major bogging when i start my sled. It wont idle at all. Just wondering if the stock setting of 1-1/8 turns out is correct.
Make sure youur carb cable is
not to tight, you might have to go two turns out.
1 1/8th I beleive is correct spec but IMO is WAY lean! I run mine 1 5/8. Even if bog is resolved with throttle cable adjustment I suggest keeping an eye on those plugs! As a general rule I turn them in to see where they were set prior to backing them out for cleaning. Stock spec is often a lil off....only a starting point for tuning.
I went to 1 & 7/8 this year most I ever turned out and it is the best idle and starting I've ever had. I turn in till there just seated draw a line with a marker, turn out two full 360 degree turns then turn in 1/8 from the line, this gets them all real accurate.
Thanks i will be taking those carbs back out saturday and adjusting those screws and re-checking my pilots.
Rule of thumb is that, if you need to turn your fuel screw more than 2 turns out, you need to move up to the next bigger size pilot jet...
Made my adjustments to the fuel screw. Im right at 2 turns out. Also adjusted my choke cable a bit and im back in buisness. Thanks for the help.
