Hey everyone. Took my carbs out for a cleaning and to make adjustments to the fuel screws. I set the screws to the stock setting and i am getting major bogging when i start my sled. It wont idle at all. Just wondering if the stock setting of 1-1/8 turns out is correct.
Make sure youur carb cable is
not to tight, you might have to go two turns out.
not to tight, you might have to go two turns out.

I set mine at 2 1/4 out.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
1 1/8th I beleive is correct spec but IMO is WAY lean! I run mine 1 5/8. Even if bog is resolved with throttle cable adjustment I suggest keeping an eye on those plugs! As a general rule I turn them in to see where they were set prior to backing them out for cleaning. Stock spec is often a lil off....only a starting point for tuning.
Vt Srx
New member
I set mine at 2 turns out, it runs well.
New member
I went to 1 & 7/8 this year most I ever turned out and it is the best idle and starting I've ever had. I turn in till there just seated draw a line with a marker, turn out two full 360 degree turns then turn in 1/8 from the line, this gets them all real accurate.
Thanks i will be taking those carbs back out saturday and adjusting those screws and re-checking my pilots.
New member
Rule of thumb is that, if you need to turn your fuel screw more than 2 turns out, you need to move up to the next bigger size pilot jet...