I think I'll be looking for a Viper reverse kit to install on my 01 SRX over the summer and wondered if the bottom gear on those are the same as the older silent chain ones being that there's only one size?I know you can bring your gear ratio back in line to what you want with the appropriate top gear but I just wondered if say the mountain sleds had a different bottom gear than the trail sleds?I'm running 21/38 now,that's what was in it when I bought it,and it seems to work good with it,not sure what kind of top end speed I have because I only got my speedo working last night.
just off the top of my head its 38 tooth bottom, If my ol noggin serves me there is only 2 reverse bottom gears made, I THINK the other is a 39, but the price of it was crazy expensive. I have this information in a book but its not within my reach. You have a few differnt tooth variance for use up top 21 or 22,23 tooth.

Super Moderator
Dons right on, 38 bottom.
I have a 39 bottom gear in my Reverse Kit.....i think its from the Trailing Arm Phazer reverse kit.
I've got a V Max kit in my 98 and if memory serves correct it has the 39 tooth bottom gear.I'll be looking for a HYVO kit so whatever bottom gear they come with is pretty much what I'll be using,obviously lol.Thanks for the info guys.
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