SRX Promo Video

Great job, that will be fun to watch in the fall when we get the itch. Are the trails that nice yet over there?
Good to hear, we just got 7-8" of good packing snow Tues. and the groomers went out last night. Should be a great weekend. And congrats on your sled setup, from that speedo shot on the video she cooks right along on the top end.
I was going to say that hairpin you were filming east of Plover has some widowmaker icy corners out there! I cant believe no one has wrecked bad out there yet.

bADa$$ SRX said:
Thanks guys, yea the trails are still very good here, some icy corners but alot of snow keeps drifting over :winterrul
meat12 said:
I was going to say that hairpin you were filming east of Plover has some widowmaker icy corners out there! I cant believe no one has wrecked bad out there yet.
Yea atleast theres no trees around! haha ya just gotta watch out so you dont end up in the creek that winds through there, and hey im pretty sure ive seen your sled out on the trails!
baDa$$SRX. I watched you guy run at the radar runs at Anchor Bay. That sled moves pretty good.
I didnt have a running sled so we were on 3 wheelers
IgoFast said:
baDa$$SRX. I watched you guy run at the radar runs at Anchor Bay. That sled moves pretty good.
I didnt have a running sled so we were on 3 wheelers
Yea i ran 84.9 mph, got beat out by a "stock" zrt 600 haha but what are ya gunna do, did it for fun anyways, it does seem pretty fast for a 600 but my being 170 lbs probably helps too
bADa$$ SRX said:
Yea atleast theres no trees around! haha ya just gotta watch out so you dont end up in the creek that winds through there, and hey im pretty sure ive seen your sled out on the trails!

I have seen you leaving the Store gas station by HH. You and your buddies were heading out to the trail. I remember your sled...and those blaze orange pants. It might have actually been the same day you did the video.
meat12 said:
I have seen you leaving the Store gas station by HH. You and your buddies were heading out to the trail. I remember your sled...and those blaze orange pants. It might have actually been the same day you did the video.
yup haha that was definetly me, pm me sometime if ya wanna go for a rip! :rockon:
