Srx Down!!!!


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
after switching to 01 SRX jetting today and getting ready to ride tomorrow..I do an inspection of the skid looking for broken bolts and such.I then notice the 2 bolts that hold the bottom of the w-arm to the bracket(which bolts to rail) backed out and the heads touching the idler wheels.Removed idlers,removed one bolt,put red locktite and screwed back in and it keeps on spinning.So threads are shot.Tried to turn the other one inward and I guess it snapped.About 1 1/2" threaded end stuck in there....just a slight thread sticking out from the inside.Can't grab it with anything,so took a drill and drilled thru the broken bolt(lucky I was dead center) and went thru.Took my small impact drill with easy out and out comes that bolt and then the whole suspension drops,track now has 3 inch
So now I am bolts around here that will be the same length and thread.I found 2 metric bolts but they are to long.I want to cut them and thread them.Of course it being a M10 tap and die set doesn't have that size... :o| :o| #$%&*
Either I park the sled for this season or get to the store and try to find a die.It seems like it is never ending with these sleds.I know I loctited them 2 summers back when I did the skid fix up..but maybe I didn't.... #$%&* #$%&* #$%&* .
I am not going to order 2 bolts from the dealer at this point and time..will try to make a couple or it is time to park her and finish off with my 600.More friggen snow coming Monday as well...heading out to store early tomoorw morning..crossing my fingers they have a die.
blue let me check my parts bin i might have some. Not sure but i dont think it will be much to ship 2 little bolts. No guarantee but let me check.
they are 3 inch long bolts..Thanks staggs.I am hoping I can rig something up today so I can ride,if not like I said I have my 600.Will let you guys know,but eventually I will need some maybe for extras just in case.I just want to pass the 10,000 mark on the SRX and I will be 168 miles to go..I'll push it to pass that mark if I have to..lolllll
Hey Doug, In a pinch I have gone to home depot for metric bolts and they have quite a slection of sizes.. Have a couple in my Viper skid.. Adams supply on Wall St. carries every sive under the sun as well and a whole lot cheaper than dealer.. I can check my bins as well and see what I have. If I got some can drop off to you. Whats the metric size you need??
Cam/ Viper adict said:
Hey Doug, In a pinch I have gone to home depot for metric bolts and they have quite a slection of sizes.. Have a couple in my Viper skid.. Adams supply on Wall St. carries every sive under the sun as well and a whole lot cheaper than dealer.. I can check my bins as well and see what I have. If I got some can drop off to you. Whats the metric size you need??
Just came back.Canadian tire had some M10 1.25 metric bolts same will go with that for now.Also got a die to cut new threads in some other bolts which are harder material.
Thanks for now guys,should be able to work it out for today.Probably will get the Stock ones used or new later..I want to ride this PM..
oh yeah..waiting for the next glitch..seems like it happens just towards the end of the season..lollll

The metric bolts I bought have a stamping of 8.8 on the head,so it is a fairly hard bolt.The stock bolt has 8 stamped on the head.I should be fine.If these hold up,then I know where to pu more as spares at $1.70 a piece..that ain't to bad.After market are over double that,dealer probably triple that... :o| :o|
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Ive given up on sleds... Got nearly 100mm of rain the past 3 days and its just about all gone anyways
we have tons here and more coming Sunday into Tuesday.Looks like Winter is going to last into March longer this season,as temps still on cool side next week.Last years when March came,it was gonna put as much miles on as I can afford
well the SRX performed flawless today.Only did 40 miles,I am feeling tired today for some reason,gonna take a nap.

WOT runs today a little passed 100mph and no DCS light coming on as well.Jetting up helped there.Sled is really responsive even when it is warm out today.Got that nice pull and motor has that nice sound again like it hadn't had in years.Now all there is to do is ride and enjoy her..
bluemonster1 said:
we have tons here and more coming Sunday into Tuesday.Looks like Winter is going to last into March longer this season,as temps still on cool side next week.Last years when March came,it was gonna put as much miles on as I can afford

+4 and tons of rain still to come. Time for me to start goin on the atv side of ty again. Who knows maybe one of those new yamacats will be in the shed next winter!
bluemonster1 said:
no YamaCat coming into my shed..will keep riding the fun SRX...

And If you must know the vmax is all fixed again. Got a reinforced steering column for $20 and radius rods and trailing arm was straightened and welded. To bad theres 2-3ft of slop and water on the pond and the tracks are dirt in alot of spots. Dont worry the vmax will be kept as the trusty backup sled. Why do you have no faith in the yamacats? The pro action yamahas arent suited for my riding style (reckless goon) Even with the many hours Ive spent modifying the suspension, seat, and controls.
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the AC chaincase for starters..thought Yami was going with theirs.Wander if at least they are equipped with Yami clutch's..hope they are or else more problems.
bluemonster1 said:
the AC chaincase for starters..thought Yami was going with theirs.Wander if at least they are equipped with Yami clutch's..hope they are or else more problems.

updated chaincases and yamaha clutches!
A new viper with a s/c put on before i even ride it might be in the mix.We shall see how fast i can break it .

