My parts arrived. I bought the 53/43helix from pioneer and a green spring. Now I have never done this before but am mechanically inclined. My question is while I am in there what else should I replace or look for as wear. I am almost at 5k miles 03 viper

check the ramp buttons for worn or missing even.Check primary and make sure rollers all spin nice,no flat spots.Bushings is another thing for both clutch's,but usually you can do that in the off season.Make sure clutch/2ndary sheave faces are clean.You can scuff them up with 120 to 320 grit sandpaer and clean it off with brake cleaner .There is a lot more to do like alignment and center to center if you have the tool.If you keep the clutch's maintained,they will work good for you.Don't know what weights you are running with that helix,others can chime in here.Good luck and good riding