My sled sat on the trailer on under the factory cover all week.Got to staging area did my normal start-up procedure as I always do.As soon as i started it ran brutal missed fired spit spudder for about 30 seconds so I shutoff and pulled the plugs.All 3 plugs were soaked.Put 3 new ones back in and back to running like a swiss watch put on about 120km today no problems.The previous ride the week before was about 220km if it matters.This is the first time this sled has fouled a plug since ive owned it (3 years).I put 3 new plugs in it every season if it needs them or not.Hope this was just a fluke.Any input guys??? Thanks.

Was it warm out? Could of just been temp related.
Morning temps -15c windchill -21c and very sunny .....didn't feel that cold thou

What is your normal "start up procedure"? Where do you normally store it? What was different in storage this time compared to last?
Details please?
Details please?
Did you trailer it with full fuel?
Without the ability to shut off fuel, the vibration of trailering will sometimes allow the fuel to flow from fuel tank through carbs and into the crankcase, filling up crankcase with enough fuel to badly flood the engine and at times even creating a hydraulic lock.
This situation is most likely with a full fuel tank and is why some people install fuel shutoff valves.
Without the ability to shut off fuel, the vibration of trailering will sometimes allow the fuel to flow from fuel tank through carbs and into the crankcase, filling up crankcase with enough fuel to badly flood the engine and at times even creating a hydraulic lock.
This situation is most likely with a full fuel tank and is why some people install fuel shutoff valves.
My normal starting procedure cold after it sits for days/week.Step 1 ..crack throttle (wot) once to make sure it not frozen.Step 2 .....four or five mini pulls (1/4 length of recoil rope) with sled off.Step 3.... full choke key on and give it full pull sled always starts 2 or 3 pull.Once running for 5/10 seconds I shut choke off and it idles at 1600 rpm.I let it idle for 5 minutes or so while i suit up and lockup my truck.I always store sled with the factory cover on sitting outside on the trailer all winter long.The sled sat for a week with about 3 gallons in it.I stopped on the way to the staging area and filled it then drove about 3km (sled on trailer) to staging area.The only difference I can think of is I usually fill it up after a ride but I did not this time/after last week 220km ride.
Vt Srx
New member
What are the 4 or 5 mini pulls with the key off for? Just curious
Just like to make sure everything is free binding...just a pre-caution
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Vt Srx said:What are the 4 or 5 mini pulls with the key off for? Just curious
I will do 2-3 slower pulls, kind of loosen things up and prime pulse line before I give er 2-3 full on rips for a start scenario.
When you say you turn choke "off" after 5-10 this fully off or the half choke "warming" position? If I go to off-off that quick all of mine will sputter and die. Maybe running towards the rich side if you can go to no choke that quick.
I mean fully off.The sled is 100% stock ....fuel mileage is great and plugs look fine when I change them every year.I agree very interesting why that fouled.I also checked the spark plug boots still original (6200km) also fine.I will start it up after supper when it gets colder it try same conditions as yesterday and see what happens.Like I said thou sled ran awesome as it always does after I changed the plugs