she justs keeps on ticking like a Swiss watch.Not a glitch.It was 3 C above today.still pulling rpms anywhere from 8500 to 8600.She being jetted richer still performed well today.Put on another 140 miles and FINALLY the odometer goes to 10,003 miles.This motor still hasn't blown apart,or chaincase or belt or clutch..etc.Yamaha does make quality back in older days.DCS does not come on on WOT runs.Got to love these SRX's when they are running good..wish they were 100 lbs lighter then they would kill,but it is what it is..what a Fun sled to ride now.. 

They are great sleds..adding a Boss seat and bar risers helps bring them a little closer to the current models...kind of like what Yamaha did with the RX1 when they turned it into an Apex...halfway between the sit down sleds and current rider forward sleds.
New member
I just got an 01 srx my 3rd one I've owned and this thing is impressive. Fastest one I've owned and its 500 miles from hitting 10,000 I'm going install an m10 I scored for cheap and do my yearly maintenance and run her til she grenades love the srx
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
Hey Doug, You out on the river today? I went out with a couple of guys but headed towards Falcon lake.. My buddy flipped his poo 3 times end over end so we pieced his sled together(he was fine) and continued, then the other guys cat blew a belt. He has a 1100 turbo cat (250+ hp) that belt blew so violently it almost took out his cdi box and blew the belt sheild apart. wow.. never saw that before, some on trail fixing and off we went.. In the end that yiper of mine beat out that cat on the trails and through all the crap. The only time he could get by me quicker was in the long straight aways.. Yammi rules..lol..

you better get more aggressive with your Viper,none of this riding like an old lady ...pin it,roll it a few times,get it stuck and do some 50 foot jumps...lol
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
LOL.. I have to be gentle with her..lol.. but she does get pinned and jumped...lol... Congrats on passing the 10,000 mile mark.. Another 10,000 and then you can have a party..lol..

well -10 C today,perfect day for the SRX.Now I am running wot with rpms at about 8700,warmer day is at 8500..so could add a little more tip weight,but not until next season.Put 60 flawless miles on today,having lunch and going back out.The SRX is just purring today.Even with some wot runs and some deep snow hits..I am averaging 12 mpg so far.Should easily get 120 miles from a tank..that is not to shabby I think.
Cam..found that open water..scary stuff..just barely made it over it on one narrow trail.
Cam..found that open water..scary stuff..just barely made it over it on one narrow trail.

Just checked the long range forecast..cold all next week again into the weekend.Will be sledding more I guess.Wow this is turning out to be a good March which lengthens the riding season..FINALLY!!
New member
Your lucky with the weather. I went for a ride on Saturday and that may be it for the year. It was 50 degrees yesterday and today and its supposed to be almost 60 tomorrow with rain tuesday. Oh well I found out a few bugs with my new sled that I can get started on before next year. I like wrenching on it almost as much as riding it.

well got 121 miles on today..all is well.Yeah rain would suck,but we will still be riding for another 2 weeks at least.I averaged 12.5 mpg today..if I didn't do a half dozen wot runs and some big launches from a standstill..I know I would be around 13 mpg easily.That is better then my 600 gets..can't complain about that..that is my best so far on the SRX...