who knows ???


New member
Jan 5, 2010
parrysound ont
what is the diameter of the clutch rivets they give lenth and wieght but i cant find diameter reason im asking im goin to make my own rivets either out of lead , bolts with nut or ill even machine them at work so a little help would be good before i go drillin or grindin the old rivets out
. just tryin to get rid of the venom 600 red head over rev let me know what ur running for wheights and how it performs i like aggresive trail some whole shot without saccrificing top end
I've been using nuts and bolts for years to do this because the dealer here doesn't stock much of any tuning stuff let alone weight rivets.1/4" wont quite fit but if you have a place that stocks metric stuff then your good to go.I can't remember the size I used right off but it isn't very big,something like 6mm or there abouts.Take a weight with you and find the size to fit the hole.You will have to do some cutting and drilling to get the desired weight,unless you can find some aluminum bolts,but it's not a big deal.I've got some with holes drilled clear through them to get the desired weight,just remember to use a little dab of loctite to hold the nut on.
