Carb Question


New member
Jan 24, 2009
Clarkston, MI
Carb Question (white plastic ring on primary)

Was going through my carbs to get ready for anoteher trip and noticed something. I noticed that the white plastic donuts that clip onto the bottom of the tube for the primay jets were all verry loose. They pretty much can fall of on there own. So is this a problem? I believe threre there to keep the gas supply constant to the main jets.
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just had the same problem on my 2000 sxr main jet washer. you dont want those things falling down into the carb could cause a very lean situation . they are like $10.00 apiece from yamaha but i didnt buy new ones. i took my old ones put them on a warm ballast from a shop light let them get warm took some pliers and gently squeezed them around the top where they clip on making them smaller. it worked for me did 300 miles took the carbs off for inspection and all was good. i had another idea too but not sure this is a good one- put a gas proof oring on the main jet then slid the main jet washer onto the oring? im not sure try idea number one first and wait to hear from others for more help on the matter.somebody might have a better idea. when all else fails buy new. :yam:
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Was going through my carbs to get ready for anoteher trip and noticed something. I noticed that the white plastic donuts that clip onto the bottom of the tube for the primay jets were all verry loose. They pretty much can fall of on there own. So is this a problem? I believe threre there to keep the gas supply constant to the main jets.

I believe once the bowl is installed the cap cannot drop down off the main jet.
Ya I'll have to get some new ones. I will try using a little heat to push the prongs back out so they will work for a temporarry fix. It will take to long to order new ones. We are going to try the Gaylord/Waters area but if it is not good were going to the U.P.
