Bought it from a guy who is a member on here as well. Clean sled. 3500 +/- miles, XTC rear skid, XT front end with HPG doo shocks, MegaPower heads(any info on these would be appreciated) and 11' Apex skis. $1500. Pretty happy with that price!
I does however have a problem with the engine quitting if i let it idle below 2K. I read a ton of threads on here with guys having similar problems but the guy I bought it from tried pretty much everything the exception of coils, and he talked to a guy who suggested it might be the flywheel magnets going bad?? I rode last night about 35 miles and simply just turned up the idle screw so it stays away from the 2k mark to keep it from dying on me at stops etc.. I also noticed it is hard to start. Some times taking 10+ pulls to get it going and even then it will quit if I don't blip the throttle just right upon startup. Noticed that half choke with half to full throttle while starting usually does the trick. When its warm its is easier to start(like all 2-strokes). I know there are similar problems on here with 01's but it seems like everybody's solution is different. I can't remember if he pulled the harness or not but I am thinking its a ground problem somewhere on the sled. From what i checked all cables and wires are not rubbing as far as i can see.
Sled pull hard from the midrange on but is a little boggy on the low end. I am going to mess with the clutching a bit to see if I can help this. It has a Orange(hauck?) primary and black secondary. Not sure on the helix and weights but i will look closer when i have time..trails are open and I need to ride!!
I can say I am happy to be back on an SRX after 10 years. i had a 00' that Sold and have been on Doo/Cat trail converted race sleds since. I'm looking forward to setting this thing up proper for my riding style. Its a bit of a curve coming from a 11' Sno pro 600 to this but man have I missed that triple/triple sound.
I want to keep this sled in my stable forever. Love these SRX's!!
I will be doing some summer upgrades this year.
Raise the seat height/maybe new seat?
maybe custom paint(murdered out or a Blue/White theme)
different track(cobra, 1.5" intense or something like it)
Maybe extend the skid/track
maybe new skid
like to put fox floats on the front and something stiffer in the rear.
cold air kit
Basically make it as rider forward and bump capable is possible without totally giving up the slot car like handling.
I does however have a problem with the engine quitting if i let it idle below 2K. I read a ton of threads on here with guys having similar problems but the guy I bought it from tried pretty much everything the exception of coils, and he talked to a guy who suggested it might be the flywheel magnets going bad?? I rode last night about 35 miles and simply just turned up the idle screw so it stays away from the 2k mark to keep it from dying on me at stops etc.. I also noticed it is hard to start. Some times taking 10+ pulls to get it going and even then it will quit if I don't blip the throttle just right upon startup. Noticed that half choke with half to full throttle while starting usually does the trick. When its warm its is easier to start(like all 2-strokes). I know there are similar problems on here with 01's but it seems like everybody's solution is different. I can't remember if he pulled the harness or not but I am thinking its a ground problem somewhere on the sled. From what i checked all cables and wires are not rubbing as far as i can see.
Sled pull hard from the midrange on but is a little boggy on the low end. I am going to mess with the clutching a bit to see if I can help this. It has a Orange(hauck?) primary and black secondary. Not sure on the helix and weights but i will look closer when i have time..trails are open and I need to ride!!
I can say I am happy to be back on an SRX after 10 years. i had a 00' that Sold and have been on Doo/Cat trail converted race sleds since. I'm looking forward to setting this thing up proper for my riding style. Its a bit of a curve coming from a 11' Sno pro 600 to this but man have I missed that triple/triple sound.
I want to keep this sled in my stable forever. Love these SRX's!!
I will be doing some summer upgrades this year.
Raise the seat height/maybe new seat?
maybe custom paint(murdered out or a Blue/White theme)
different track(cobra, 1.5" intense or something like it)
Maybe extend the skid/track
maybe new skid
like to put fox floats on the front and something stiffer in the rear.
cold air kit
Basically make it as rider forward and bump capable is possible without totally giving up the slot car like handling.
Before you do anything else...clean and syncronize the carbs then check/replace the plug caps and see if it will idle properly.
Ya, definitely clean carbs!
Congrats on your purchase, I saw that sled on Craigslist. Where in Wi. are you located? If close enough we could meet up and I'll give you a hand.
I saw that sled on CL too. I sent the guy an email when I was looking for a sled but he never responded. I was a little paranoid of the mods, but that could have been mine, LOL.
I'm happy with mine now that I've got everything set the way I want it(at the end of the season) but I could use a little more motor. I think my next one is gonna be a long traveled SRX.....
I'm happy with mine now that I've got everything set the way I want it(at the end of the season) but I could use a little more motor. I think my next one is gonna be a long traveled SRX.....
X3 on the carbs... Definately a good place to start!
check your fuel pump and impulse line. it could of also blown a seal. check the simplest stuff first... believe me i've been there with the gremilins. You 'll love her when you get her running properly.
i also have a bender cold air kit with modded airbox if your interested
Check your fuel screw when you clean your carbs. May need to be turned out a little. Also check your choke cable. It may be off a little.
BigBlue12 said:Check your fuel screw when you clean your carbs. May need to be turned out a little.
A buddy of mine who was a wrench for a grass dragger who raced a stock 01' SRX back in the day said the same thing. I started it up on the trailer and he said..pull the carbs and adjust the fuel screw on the bottom of the carbs. He thought it must be a lean condition. I turned the idle up to around 3k and it will idle, but the R's will creep up to engagement and bump it then climb down, then back up again... I have no idea what mains/pilots are in it. Problem is likely the last day to ride for the year as its going to be in the 40's and rain this weekend here in So WI. My sled is at a buddies house and I left it on the side of his garage because we are going to ride again this afternoon. I would have to pull the carbs to get to the fuel screw correct?? It has been 10 years since I worked on an SRX so I can't remember. I'm just trying to figure out if this is something I can run over there and do today quickly, its outside but its also 33 and sunny so it wouldnt be too bad. So I will be turning them out counterclockwise, but how many turns from seated? Thanks for the help guys!
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Sorry, I didn't read the whole post, BUT, as far as idling goes, I found out that on my sled, a 02 srx, after replacing the tors button at the carbs, there is a "sweet spot", where the sled will just idle wonderfully, and when you find that, even the slightest turning of the screw will make huge impacts on idling. If it doesn't idle when you let off the gas, try that. If it's way off it will not idle.
I would clean the carbs before you go riding it. Clogged pilots will give you the condition you are describing. Without cleaning the carbs, you run the risk of serious engine damage. Clean carbs then sync slides. Here is link to clean your carbs. Set fuel screws to 1 5/8 for starters and then go from there. Cleaning/Carb cleaning 101 with pics.htm Cleaning/Carb cleaning 101 with pics.htm

I personally would run the fuel screws to 2 or 2 1/4..if it still hangs..go to next size pilots.If pilots are plugged..your idle won't ne consistant or smooth anyways..if you go for a ride and the motor shuts down ,then you will know that you should of cleaned her up.An hours work or so,well if you do it all the time,a little longer if you haven't.
Thanks for the replies!
Ok so I put about 175miles on the sled last Wed/Thurs. Thursday afternoon I had about an hour to adjust a couple things..mind you this was on the side of my friends garage so I didnt really get to do as much as I wanted too. I was able to adjust the fuel screw to 1/8 turn off of 2. I cleaned the carbs the best I could..only unclamped the lower coolant tube on the pto side so I could flip them enough to access the fuel screw. I cleaned the air box which was filthy, sprayed carb cleaner through the pilots. cleaned what I could access in the carbs, adjusted the choke and throttle cables, replaced the spark plugs. I didnt really clean/inspect the float bowls since I had guys waiting on me for what was likely our last ride of the year. I ran a lot better, and pulled more rpms on top(still only 8200 at best). But the shut off problem still would occur. It would always start but sometimes would take 6-7 pulls while other times it was 1. It often would start up then bog down and die 3-4 times before I could get it to idle and take off. Once rolling it ran like a champ! it was cold out and throttle response was crisp like I remember on my 00'. I think a thorough carb clean and proper cable adjustments as well as a PV clean and adjust should clear up my problems. I might have to wait till next year to find out for sure though. Snow melted
. I plan on pulling the motor and butting on new crank seals and possibly freshen up the top end if it needs it. I will be checking the sled over carefully to eliminate all electrical possibilities and check for rub thru's. It was still on my mind as the sled would intermittently have the headlight go out upon starting then die out after a couple of seconds, which to me sounds like a electrical problem, but who knows? I will try to unplug the headlight and see if the idle problem is any better. Just wanted to give an update and say thanks.
Ok so I put about 175miles on the sled last Wed/Thurs. Thursday afternoon I had about an hour to adjust a couple things..mind you this was on the side of my friends garage so I didnt really get to do as much as I wanted too. I was able to adjust the fuel screw to 1/8 turn off of 2. I cleaned the carbs the best I could..only unclamped the lower coolant tube on the pto side so I could flip them enough to access the fuel screw. I cleaned the air box which was filthy, sprayed carb cleaner through the pilots. cleaned what I could access in the carbs, adjusted the choke and throttle cables, replaced the spark plugs. I didnt really clean/inspect the float bowls since I had guys waiting on me for what was likely our last ride of the year. I ran a lot better, and pulled more rpms on top(still only 8200 at best). But the shut off problem still would occur. It would always start but sometimes would take 6-7 pulls while other times it was 1. It often would start up then bog down and die 3-4 times before I could get it to idle and take off. Once rolling it ran like a champ! it was cold out and throttle response was crisp like I remember on my 00'. I think a thorough carb clean and proper cable adjustments as well as a PV clean and adjust should clear up my problems. I might have to wait till next year to find out for sure though. Snow melted