Cleaning up a flywheel


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Would you guys sandblast a flywheel to clean the rust off it or just sand it with sandpaper?I wonder if it would be more prone to rust if it was blasted or could you coat it with clearcoat after?
I bead blast them all the time and then coat them with kroil lube wipe em off and install, no problems. they are bare steel anyways, just wipe it off with something thicker then wd40, so it last on it.
How heavy of a medium are you using Don?I have access to a s-b cabinet with fine blaster sand, cant recall the grit number,but other types of blaster medium aren't readily available around here.If I could find something like walnut shells would that be better than sand?
take it to a denturist, they use walnuts.

I have sprayed them with spray bomb clear once they are clean to keep them from rusting up.

did you make it over to pulfrey drunk fest last weekend.

my daughter and I went down,

What is wrong with those people????????
take it to a denturist, they use walnuts.

I have sprayed them with spray bomb clear once they are clean to keep them from rusting up.

did you make it over to pulfrey drunk fest last weekend.

my daughter and I went down,

What is wrong with those people????????
LOL yeah we made it there after while,a bud that was with us lost a piston in his Phazer coming across MaCadam lake and we had to get the sled situated for retrieval later.We never stayed very long too many yahoos around there.Was some nice running sleds though.
