long travel srx


Feb 16, 2006
Bootlake Mi
I want to long travel the front end on my 01 srx to match my m-10 in the rear,any suggestions on which kit to go with?
Pioneer performance still makes kits for them there # is 1-716-496-8800 if you call talk with Bruce.
I have the Maximum Performance kit but I believe they are belly up now. I also have adjustable shock brackets with "Works" shocks and C&A skis. The sled steered really heavy so I changed the steering bearing to the sealed bearing design also by Maxx Perf. It took me a full season to get the toe out and camber just right but it was well worth it! I tell people it's the sled Yamaha should have made!

I think BETHEVIPER sells a wide front end kit also, you may want to check with him.
Vt srx Im planning on long traveling the front on my srx as well and was wondering where u got the adjustable shock brackets? and was it a pain at all to mount everything up?
I purchased my sled from a fellow member here about 7 or 8 years ago and it already had the m10 and the front suspension work when I got it. I can take some pics of how the brackets were mounted if that helps you. The brackets I have were from Max Perf but I'm sure you can find them elsewhere. I would also try to find the sealed steering bearing plate that Max Perf sold or one like it. My sled had VERY heavy steering with all the suspension changes, it would't dart but it took some upper body strength to carve corners. After I added the sealed bearing plate it cut the steering effort in half!
if you want that slotcar feel..leave the SRX's stock everything in the skid area.Long travel it and you will slow down.I am going to drop mine back down to stock skid setup and trail ride or River/Lake ride it hard.I have another sled I use when I need more travel and to go in deeper snow..
You can take the upper shock mounts off flip them upside down and swap them. Left goes on rightside, and the right one to the leftside. You may need to notch them a little but its been to long Im not 100% on it. If you have Ohlins there is/was a 1" extension you could add to it.
I bought the extensions from pioneer. They helped the steering in the corners. I mean it just seems to bite a little better.
Now, it took me a whole season to get my setup dialed to where it is stiff enough in the rear and it still corners pretty darn good.
Overall I am happy with the setup now but it will never be a real srx again......maybe only 90%.
I have a set of ohlins in the classifieds.Pioneer performance has extensions for the real cheap.
I don't feel like I gave up much handling at all, my sled still corners really flat. The sled sits taller than stock but it is also wider. I will get you some pics of the brackets.
srx front long travel

I used radius rods from an XTC deluxe which widened it out and then bought 17" works shocks and aligned everything. It matches up nice with the 136 M-10 air and handles very nice.
