Burgstrom Triple Points


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Just intalled a set of Burgstrom Triple Points & cudnt b more pleased.
My 05 SXVM was a twitchy , darty thing that was hard to control on trails B4
Went on Rally yesterday & My Viper handled like a dream
It didnt follow others grooves at all , was a totaly different sled to me .
I used the 8 " Triple points , with ski savers & shim under the rubber block
Stock 05 Mountain skis & a boss seat so my CG is a lil up there with my fat *** (220lbs).
I was all excited to plunk my $500 down on The New Vipercat & Dump My SXVM, but now I dont think I can ever part with it ?

Doctor Burgstrom perscription really Helped Me
He knows His Stuff .
That is great to hear! I just put his 6" triple points on mine. Trying them out on Thursday and hoping to have the same results you have experienced. I shimmed the block as well and added the ski savers too. Contemplating turning the rubber ski block around as we'll before the trip. Hoping my decision to go with the 6" bergstroms will be a good combo for my weight (175#) and stud pattern (144 full pattern). Thanks for the encouraging news!!!
I dont think that You want to turn the Block around . That wud b too much I think?
Just do what Dr B sayz , I know you will be pleased with the results .
The triple points , ski savers & shim .
I even called about the skisavers as when I was Installing it looked kinda goofy to me & I was gonna leave them off. I talked to his wife & she got him on the phone to explain what they were about .... Unreal service really when you thing about it..
Who does that anymore ? We are just talkin bout skegs for god sakes .
But this is The Guy's Business , he has done all the 'R & D for us ...
Denali, you were exactly right. I rode my Viper this past weekend about 500 miles and with the shims, triple points, and ski savers, it's an entirely different sled than last time I rode it!! What a difference. I can't saw enough about Bergstrom skegs and the service / knowledge they offer. Shimmed two buddies sleds over the weekend and they couldn't believe the difference!
Right on Klipper, glad u had same results I did & It wasn't just my imagination?
I gonna keep the Viper for sure now . Went other day for "viewing only" of the New Vipercat. Looks sweet , but I didn't bite . Over $15000 up here
Can get a next to new Nytro for $10000??????
Prolly go that route & that way I cud justify keepin the Viper ?
Gonna play with My Viper a bit yet. Got a box of triple pipes & stuff to try out yet.
When I was on the trail on Saturday, a group of the new vipers, 4 or 5 of them went by three times within 20 minutes or so, all decked out with Yamaha factory racing gear, etc, so probably testing them out. They looked and SOUNDED awesome. I agree with you on keeping the Viper awhile. I've got small kids and not a lot of extra cash around, so I'll take care of what I have, continue to wrench and adjust and enjoy the ride. Good luck with those triple pipes. Would love to know what kind of a change you see in power when you get to that point. I think I'm going seat riser and bar riser (only 2") over the summer and see how that works out next season. Cheers.
