Just bought an '08 Nytro and haven't registered on the 4 stroke forum so I am asking my question here, which aftermarket skies are best for a Nytro and aggressive trail riding on tight twisty trails?
Get the new Yamaha Tuner Ski works great I installed them on my 2010xtx and I love them. Also not a bad price on them.
What about them makes them good for aggresive riding on tight trails?
Bolt on some aggressive Snowtrackers. Good in all conditions, especially in the twisties.
low slung
Active member
Get the tuners,they were design with the nytro in mind.
Lots if good posts on 4 stroke side with comparisons. My buddy I ride with has a 08 Nitro and we pretty much just trail ride. He has Curve skis and loves them. From memory most comparisons I have read Turner and Curves come out on top for trails. I would read some of the posts on the 4 stroke side.