What length of studs should i put on my srx with a 1" track, and how many, without tearing the heat exchangers up. Thanks guys
Active member
1.075 woodys lenth if you are not into racing.
Just remember that some stud manufacturers measure differently. Be sure you check out whichever ones you are interested in. I recommend tunnel, and heat exchanger protectors if your sled doesn't already have them. 144 is a good number.
I recommend Rich Motorsports (a sponsor of TY).
I recommend Rich Motorsports (a sponsor of TY).

Super Moderator
Hi corey,
That all depends. What track do you have as they all measure different. Your best bet is to measure the overall depth of your track (inside edge to end of lug) then get a stud of overall length to match your track. Ideally you are looking for 1/4" of penetration on stud. But to complicate things more everyone measures their studs different. Just remember to go with overall length on stud. I would run studs up middle 121-144 your choice. Just remember the more studs the more front carbide you must run. Do a search there is tons of info on this topic. But list your track and im sure the guys will point you in the right direction for your track.
That all depends. What track do you have as they all measure different. Your best bet is to measure the overall depth of your track (inside edge to end of lug) then get a stud of overall length to match your track. Ideally you are looking for 1/4" of penetration on stud. But to complicate things more everyone measures their studs different. Just remember to go with overall length on stud. I would run studs up middle 121-144 your choice. Just remember the more studs the more front carbide you must run. Do a search there is tons of info on this topic. But list your track and im sure the guys will point you in the right direction for your track.
Active member
And less chance of a pull threw if you dont do the outer rows {outside of rails}only the inside of track.

the 1.075 work well.Also remember the more studs the more rotating mass and track ballooning going on..track would have to be run on the tighter side.Apparently alot of guys say that 96 studs is enough to get better traction when running.I used 144 and even on ice I can spin the crap out of the track..so you don't get 100% traction like you would think..If you are into drags on ice you may even have to go to 192 or even 200 plus studs.Depends what riding you do.If it is for just added safety on ice areas,I would even suggest the Ice Ripper track.
bADa$$ SRX
New member
what kind of riding do you plan to do?
mostly trail and lake riding with a race er two a year on ice. The lug is pretty much bang on 1" in the middle. Steel or aluminum backers or do it really matter? Would i have to change the stock gearing to keep up the top end speed?
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bADa$$ SRX
New member
i would go with 144 1.125's (or somewheres around that height) down the middle, aluminums are lighter but more expensive