One Flash?????

Devilin AblueDress!

New member
Feb 12, 2011
Thought I wasnt getting the 3 flash ;)! on my 2000 SRX 700 yesterday but wasnt 100% sure. Didnt have any re-occuring code so wasnt to worried about it. Made it a point to focus on the temp light today when I had it out and sure enough. EVERY time I started it I got 1 flash only. Started 2nd pull this morning and 1st or 2nd every time after during our 98 mile outting today. Oil light indicator random flicker at lower RPM, From what I have read this is an issue 00's had and havent worried about it as I top off oil before every ride. Searched and am finding nothing in the tech pages or in a thread about 1 flash. Doesnt light up again until I re-start sled. Runs like a top, everything works like it should just wondering whats up?
Devilin AblueDress! said:
Thought I wasnt getting the 3 flash ;)! on my 2000 SRX 700 yesterday but wasnt 100% sure. Didnt have any re-occuring code so wasnt to worried about it. Made it a point to focus on the temp light today when I had it out and sure enough. EVERY time I started it I got 1 flash only. Started 2nd pull this morning and 1st or 2nd every time after during our 98 mile outting today. Oil light indicator random flicker at lower RPM, From what I have read this is an issue 00's had and havent worried about it as I top off oil before every ride. Searched and am finding nothing in the tech pages or in a thread about 1 flash. Doesnt light up again until I re-start sled. Runs like a top, everything works like it should just wondering whats up?
It's funny you mention this because I noticed the same thing with my temp light on startup of my 98 conversion to 2000 electronics.With the stock electrical system I never had an issue with the diagnostic flashes,always gave me 3 at startup,but now that I have 2000 electronics I noticed the same thing you stated.At first I was only getting 1 flash and one in a while I'd notice 2 but never the 3 flashes.I am wondering if either the CDI or possibly the regulator is getting a little weak;it just seems that something isn't energizing fast enough.I changed the condensors,that didn't help,then I changed the relays with ones from my 01 and that didn't help.I may try the regulator from my 01 if I get the chance and see what that does otherwise I have a feeling I may be looking for another CDI.
alright, its probaly because of not enough voltage at start up. so start it up and turn your key off and back on really quick, it makes the system think its a start up but with the engine already turning it should have enough voltage to make them flash
SRX_700 said:
Mine does 2 flashes. No code for that either. Just ride it.

same here. owned 3 2000's and all only flashed twice at start-up. I always figured it tied in with the load relays and they werent up yet for the first flash but ???? ride it.
Oh I am riding it! This is the sled I got from RLBOCK. Flashed 3 times the first year. Never got it out last year as we never got "good" snow and I had not so nice srx's to ride. Being as I have put a few miles on the rest of them and having some time off work I would break her out this year. Runs BEAUTIFULLY...just the weird single flash. Plan on riding it till the snow/trails get elcrapo and the 99 or 01 will come back out to wrap up the season ;)!
