1992 yamaha exciter 2 bogs down.


New member
Feb 18, 2013
My 92 exciter 2 will bog down and loose power.I can run it for 20 miles,runs great.Will stop and let idle then take off again will bog down no power.I shut it down for about 15 mins will run fine.It starts great plugs look good.No temp warning light.Track and clutch seem to be running properly.


I have not done a compression test.If the compresion was bad would'nt I have this issue all the time?

Thanks, Scott
i have the same problem i can run it for a while and if i have to mutch throttle and release it and try to give it gas it bogs down and if i just let it run at idle and try to gas it bogs down but if i turn it off and wait for 1-2 mins and start it runs fine again but once it happens once it happens more often if i dont let it rest for 30 min or so and checked my compression today and its fine
Insulation in the coil is more than likely the culprit. The insulation while it's cold is providing adequate insulating properties. Heat it up and the barrier breaks down. That's why they act fine after they have set a while...........they've cooled down.
Try to buy electrical shtuff like this new. The used one that ya just bought for $20 might last a day,week,month,year???? A new one at $40 will see that sled out till the day it's dead. The OE lasted 22 years. That sled probably won't still be kickin in 22 more years.
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