SRX will not start


New member
Feb 13, 2011
SK, Canada
I have put on almost 300km since my rebuild and every time I go to start my SRX it gets harder and harder. Today I pulled the rope 5 times with choke on before realizing that the key was not on. So I turned the key on and pulled and pulled to the point where I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It would not start. So my question to you is where should I begin looking to see what the problem is? It is very hard to pull over, I am 210 pounds and it takes everything I have to give it 5-7 good pulls. Temperature today is approx -17 and with the wind chill it is -25. I need a nap after pulling so many times.
Possible that it started to flood with the 5 pulls with out key on. Theres ben a ton of differant threads that guys have shared their trial an error. All of mine very from 2-3 pulls to 10 depending on how long they have sat. Some guys swear by the choke plunger mod, other have found success with half choking for 15-20 seconds prior to shutting it down. Others have tried the red head style fuel pump and say it works. The trick is to figure out how it wants to be started and do it that way. I fired my 2000 SRX up for the first time since spring of 2011 a couple weeks ago. I had cleaned carbs summer of 2011 and then never started it in 2012. Stored gas tank bone dry. Put 3 gallons premium in the day before. Pulled the fogging oil laden plugs out, gave each cylinder a snort of pre-mix fuel. Put new plugs back in finger tight as I expected to do it a few times. Gave her a rip and it fired in under a full pull(I WAS DUMBFOUNDED!). Sat that and purred like a dream! Shut it off to tighten plugs up and have put 300 miles on it since. 2-3 pulls from sitting overnight and 1-2 pulls all day long...gotta love it!
