Hey guys,
I've searched the forum and cant seem to find my answer or any information. So last week I blew an old Yamy belt on my Viper. I bought a new belt (I beleive 01 and not 00) and now the sled feels like the gearing is all out of spec. The sled engages very high (~4500-5000rpm) and the top speed is way down. I cleaned both the primary and secondary. The secondary is set to (6-1) so 70 for spring preload. I'm guessing that the belt width might be a little too tall and I need to try and seat the belt further into the sheaves. Does any agree with the fix or should I be looking at something else?
I've searched the forum and cant seem to find my answer or any information. So last week I blew an old Yamy belt on my Viper. I bought a new belt (I beleive 01 and not 00) and now the sled feels like the gearing is all out of spec. The sled engages very high (~4500-5000rpm) and the top speed is way down. I cleaned both the primary and secondary. The secondary is set to (6-1) so 70 for spring preload. I'm guessing that the belt width might be a little too tall and I need to try and seat the belt further into the sheaves. Does any agree with the fix or should I be looking at something else?
A belt will not effect engaugement RPM. Sucking the belt down in the secondary will give you the feel of starting out in a higher gear, so I do not agree.
How is the belt on the secondary, are you around 1.5MM above the sheave ?
What is your RPM @ WOT ? low or high ?
I have heard the 01 belt is a little softer but should not make to much of a diffrence (have not tested it yet).
If you are clutched heavy already, the softer belt might make enough diffrence that it pulls it down in RPM.
Hope this helps, I am sure more expirenced Viper guys will chime in.
Good luck
How is the belt on the secondary, are you around 1.5MM above the sheave ?
What is your RPM @ WOT ? low or high ?
I have heard the 01 belt is a little softer but should not make to much of a diffrence (have not tested it yet).
If you are clutched heavy already, the softer belt might make enough diffrence that it pulls it down in RPM.
Hope this helps, I am sure more expirenced Viper guys will chime in.
Good luck
RPM is high for any given speed. I punched it and it seems like it was overrevving slightly.
So I guess I should be more specific about the engagement. The primary seems to start grabbing at 3500rpm but the sled only starts moving at ~4500 to 5000rpm. Before the belt blew the sled would start creeping forward as soon as the belt engaged at 3500rpm.
Clutching is stock. The only thing that was changed is the belt. When the belt and both clutchs are on the sled. The belt is actually sitting inside the secondary by a couple of mm's. Do you think the spring is toast? Should i raise or lower the spring preload.
Thanks again,
So I guess I should be more specific about the engagement. The primary seems to start grabbing at 3500rpm but the sled only starts moving at ~4500 to 5000rpm. Before the belt blew the sled would start creeping forward as soon as the belt engaged at 3500rpm.
Clutching is stock. The only thing that was changed is the belt. When the belt and both clutchs are on the sled. The belt is actually sitting inside the secondary by a couple of mm's. Do you think the spring is toast? Should i raise or lower the spring preload.
Thanks again,

when installing a brand new 01 belt,you do not need any shims behind the 3 bolts behind the 2ndary..Make sure you washed and scrubbed the new belt as well before installing to remove oils/silicone on belt from belt mould.I hear the 01 belts are a harder compound,so your rpm's should go up a little.
New member
your sled will over rev with stock clutching u have to ad weight to the primary ther is tons of info just use search and u will find out how to set up ur sled worked for me yamaha always had a problem with redhead and vipers over reving which means ur sled will actually lose hp because the revs should be at the sweet spot if not then ur burnin more gas and less horse
Ahh, k didnt remove any shims. I thinks there's two per bolt on it right now. I will definitely try that tonight.
Removing the shims will increase the gap between the two sheaves causing the belt to sit even lower on the secondary. Is your secondary sheaves closing where they should? What is the gap between the two sheaves fully closed? Is it to spec? How do the 3 buttons look? Worn at all?
Wow. I had a brain fart there. LOL.

You got me with your fart..I am going to the garage and do a test on my spare 2ndary...

yes bolt by itself opens sheaves to max.For my new belt that is just perfect.But if he has 2 shims in there now,his belt should rise way to much above the sheaves.He stated the belt is lower then the sheaves with the shims..doesn't make sense.If I placed 2 shims in mine now,the belt would squeal like a Pig and be sitting to high..so check your buttons,the bolts may be worn at the end as well giving false readings.If and only if he has 2 shims in there now and belt sits low..then he would have to add more shims to raise that belt.Something not right here.

what is the wrap at,is the spring broken?? Will the sheaves shut tight when bolts are removed????
As a belt gets worn down in width you usually have to add a shim to close sheaves to raise belt again.Check how many shims are actually in the bolts right now first,maybe there are none there and that is why the belt is sitting lower..
As a belt gets worn down in width you usually have to add a shim to close sheaves to raise belt again.Check how many shims are actually in the bolts right now first,maybe there are none there and that is why the belt is sitting lower..
New member
anothere thing u should check is center to center on ur clutches and allingment this could shoot things way off therefore belt will not seat properly in secondary and not perf very well

x2..was waiting for you to say that...
New member
ya alot of people overlook somthings that r so simple but were all here to help god knows we all need it somtimes so check all these things we are telling u to and im sure u will find a sollution and i assume ur using the right belt
Keep in mind not every secondary is the same in regards to belt deflection and shims needed. My freinds viper and XTC are diffrent and my SRX is even another set-up to obtain proper deflection.
It sure sounds like a secondary issue, did you by chance remove the helix when you replaced the belt, and not get the proper spring wrap ?
Unfortunatly the possibilities are endless........
It sure sounds like a secondary issue, did you by chance remove the helix when you replaced the belt, and not get the proper spring wrap ?
Unfortunatly the possibilities are endless........
another -01 replacing a -00 and again, issues. hmmm.
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
I checked my belts in 2 of my machines. Spares are new and the belts on there are a year old.. Never noticed but they are 01's.. I never noticed a difference over the 00.. Maybe I am missing something but I really havnt had troubles with them.. What is the difference??

01's are longer,have to adjust the sheaves in the 2ndary then.
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
No adjustment needed.. They sit good in the sheaves.. about 1mm to 1.5mm up.. No over reving..
I looked at my spare belt the other day, I purchased it in 2008. Guess what it is a -01.
Most people say it is harder, but I was told from a local guy I trust that the -01 was a little softer to reduce a problem the 4 strokes were having. I guess the 4 strokes would acutally cut grooves in the sheaves with the -00.
Most people say it is harder, but I was told from a local guy I trust that the -01 was a little softer to reduce a problem the 4 strokes were having. I guess the 4 strokes would acutally cut grooves in the sheaves with the -00.