best ride ever


New member
May 9, 2004
new hampshire
Since my pals don't like to ride I had go to plan b tonite. We live on lake and my 4 yr old daughter loves to ride with me but never taken her on trails. Tonite we did 25 miles and she loved every min, kept telling me I'm the best dad in neighborhood Haha. Was nice to look at stars with her and my 01 srx.400 miles away from 10,000. Hopefully my new riding partner will help me get there this year.
That's awesome man! Something she'll remember for the rest of her life. Plus, she's seeing how the snowmobile works at an early age. That'll help her when she gets her own sled down the road. My 10 yr. old son loves riding with dad and loves it even more when I let him drive my Viper. Plus, he certainly has alot of respect for the throttle. He has a 72 Ski Doo Olympique and I've got my 71 Olympique. We both have a ball on those. The kid will go anywhere that I go and keep right up with me. I look back and all I can see is his smile from ear to ear and a big thumbs up! Wouldn't trade these times for anything.
My son loves riding around with dad. He has the same story for me, "you are the best dad in the world!" Unfortunately this year the river never froze down here. We only got about 40 miles this year around home.
FJViper said:
That's awesome man! Something she'll remember for the rest of her life. Plus, she's seeing how the snowmobile works at an early age. That'll help her when she gets her own sled down the road. My 10 yr. old son loves riding with dad and loves it even more when I let him drive my Viper. Plus, he certainly has alot of respect for the throttle. He has a 72 Ski Doo Olympique and I've got my 71 Olympique. We both have a ball on those. The kid will go anywhere that I go and keep right up with me. I look back and all I can see is his smile from ear to ear and a big thumbs up! Wouldn't trade these times for anything.

My dad taught me on a 1971 Olympique 335. It had sliders but I kept melting them so he put boogie wheels on. It was tough to start unless you used the decompressor. I was taught at the age of 6 to drive it on my own. My times have changed. Use to take it on the golf course after school, everyday in the winter.
The saying a family that plays together says together is so true. You connect on a diffrent level spending time together doing what you enjoy.
WedigSRX said:
The saying a family that plays together says together is so true. You connect on a diffrent level spending time together doing what you enjoy.
I agree 100% during baseball and football season coaching, and snowmobile season my son is my best friend. During the short off seasons he is momma's boy. She needs the little off seasons, she gets a little jealous of me.
SRX_700 said:
My dad taught me on a 1971 Olympique 335. It had sliders but I kept melting them so he put boogie wheels on. It was tough to start unless you used the decompressor. I was taught at the age of 6 to drive it on my own. My times have changed. Use to take it on the golf course after school, everyday in the winter.

Mine is the 335 with bogies. Tyler's (my son) is a 250. We're going out later to ride the 10" of fresh powder we got on Tues.
My riding buddies look at me like I have 4 heads when I tell em' I took my ol' timer out instead of my Viper. They don't understand, it's a whole different kind of fun. I was raised on a 66 Super Olymipique. My brother (on a 72) used to play cops and robbers for hours on them. Sorry to get off topic.
My neighbour had a 399 Olympique. He was the talk of the town with that big two cylinder machine.
Here is my 4 year old right after a ride a couple weeks ago, he loves to carve he hangs on to the mountain strap on the bars for deer life and says do it again dad, so we carv back and forth in the deep stuff what a blast.

Yes it is great times she used to be scared cause of how loud wouldn't even give me a chance to put her on she won't get off it. Probably last weekend of riding here in nh going to take her for a good ride this weekend and start the long season of polishing
99srxracer said:
Yes it is great times she used to be scared cause of how loud wouldn't even give me a chance to put her on she won't get off it. Probably last weekend of riding here in nh going to take her for a good ride this weekend and start the long season of polishing

Do you realize what you've done!!!!!????(Dumb and Dumber reference).........You've created a sledder for life. Good for you.
Yeah, looks like this weekend will be the last hoorah (unless we get another freak storm) for the sleds on the main trails atleast. We're fortunate though, we have alot of trails out in back of the house that we can ride that don't get trashed like the main trails do.
Where are you? up in the lakes region?
