drag racing


Jul 16, 2004
Brighton MI
Thought about opening a new TY user name for my wife to ask this dumb question but here goes.

Is there a secret to drag racing my new to me SRX700 or do I just mash it and hang on. No engine mods but well-studded so I think it should hook up good.

Or if I have to ask this question should I avoid racing and get more experience.

Yes i agree ride it a little bit, also I think when ur lined up find out where it engages and try to hold it just under engagement and when the race is on let her go and duck down for more aerodynamics!
If you just want to drag race your ok, but if you want to win you will need at least a 1 1/4" track. I have had two Kimpex sno force tracks so far with great results. Thats really all it takes.
thanks all. We all gotta start somewhere. Gunn thats the kind of advice I was looking for! Thanks. Any other tips anyone?
When you start, get the rpm's up right underneath the engagment, then when you hit the gas, kind of push down hard with you legs on the back of the sled to get a lot of weight so that your studs get that much more traction. Also all the way through the race lean back as far as possible to keep the drag of the skis off the ground. Lastly, duck under the windshield for the most aerodynamics.
if you mash it right away, you are going to break traction and just spin a lot. The key to getting the best starts is giving JUST ENOUGH power to be on the edge of the traction without breaking it loose. Practice getting on the throttle more gradually in order to not break it loose. Its the same reason that ABS breaks stop a lot quicker and shorter distance than locked up brakes, the coefficient of friction drops a lot once a skid starts (or the track starts spinning)
