2001 Srx 700 bogging


New member
Mar 3, 2013
i have a 2001 srx 700 i just bought it 2 months ago the guy said it was all serviced this year...it ran fine when i first got it but now when i get up around or over 3/4 throttle it boggs out sometimes if i let off and punch it, it will come out of it, but will do again when i let off....i changed all three plugs and checked the coils it looks like the plug on the exhaust side cyclinder isnt got much firing look to it like the others and where the pipes meet by the cylinder on the one had some wetness to it...any ideas
did you ever clean the carbs?? Check the plug caps as well.I changed mine a few years back.Is it backfiring sometimes,how does it sound at idle?You should check the reeds when the carbs are off for cleaning..If it still does it..then electrical demon in there somewhere.
i never did nope i figured get a rough idea before i dig into it. those will be the first two things i check. no it dont backfire,and it dont seem to sound bad at idle all though i does keep idling down till it shuts off when first started i have to keep flipping to half choke like 4 times
You never know what the previous owner did or more importantly, didn't do. Clean those carbs really good. Then you can atleast rule that out. Probably a fuel supply issue. Should be able to start with full choke then right to half choke then to no choke and sled should just idle with no hiccups or anything.. Like Blue said, plug caps too, check the ohms on them. Make sure you check all the carb settings and components and repost with the info.
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I would check the powervalves as well. If they aren't perfect you wont make any power compared to what it should. I also had a secondary clutch bushing come loose one time and it did funny things with the RPM. The bushing was just loose on the jackshaft between the clutch and jackshaft bearing.
Rustman said:
I would check the powervalves as well. If they aren't perfect you wont make any power compared to what it should. I also had a secondary clutch bushing come loose one time and it did funny things with the RPM. The bushing was just loose on the jackshaft between the clutch and jackshaft bearing.
now that is unusual to have bushing come loose..they usually are pressed in..was it an OEM bushing??
Rustman said:
I would check the powervalves as well. If they aren't perfect you wont make any power compared to what it should. I also had a secondary clutch bushing come loose one time and it did funny things with the RPM. The bushing was just loose on the jackshaft between the clutch and jackshaft bearing.

bluemonster1 said:
now that is unusual to have bushing come loose..they usually are pressed in..was it an OEM bushing??

I actually had the same thing happen a few years back. installed a new bushing with loctite and been good since.
If the sled recovers after getting back on the throttle I would lean towards a clutching issue! Check the secondary spring and bushings. Have the riding conditions changed since it was running well? Warmer temps and wet snow will place high loads on a sleds drive line. In these conditions you may not be able to pull the same clutching! May need more spring tension or lower finish angle on the helix.
yep that will do it.Also when it gets really warm out,I will switch to a 51/43 helix and my rpms will settle down,but once it gets colder the rpm will climb like crazy with the same helix..
I cleaned the carbs fixed and cleaned the powervalves but now its overreving as soon as I start it like its bouncing off the rev limiter and just bogs when I give it gas...
