Last ride of the year

bADa$$ SRX

New member
Jan 4, 2012
Stevens Point, WI
Well went for my last ride of the year today with an '07 Apex and a Cat ZR600 EFI. Trails were pretty smooth so condidtions were ideal for the SRX. Had a couple of chances to line up against the Apex and I gotta say those thigns sound nice and have some torque. From a dead stop he would pull around 7 lengths on me everytime off the line and then once we got up to around 50 or so I could stay with him. 30 rolls he would get me by 2 or 3 lengths. 60 rolls it was dead even up to like 110 or so :bump: The Apex did have a hard time keepin up in the twistys tho! We were running down the river for a couple of miles at 80-105 mph and the Cat decided to throw a ring haha shoulda bought a Yamaha!!! :yam:
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Last ride? How long are your trails open in Lincoln Co? In Marathon they have to close on the 31st.
That's awesome with the Apex. Wonder how a 700 would do against it?
With the snow packy when it's warm there is actually traction. Then about 4:00-5:00 everything changes again when it gets colder out. That's why I've been looking for adjustable transfer rods. Everything changes so much around the magical freezing mark for me.

LOL on the pic of your sled by best buy and that whole mall complex in the Winter 2012-2012 post. Hope you didn't eat at Golden Corral then go out riding. I can't eat much and then go riding.
Im actually in portage county but they are pretty bad and I dont plan on taking her out again, I'm thinking a 700 would definately give it a serious run. And yea I got quite a few looks ripping down the median!!!
bADa$$ SRX said:
Im actually in portage county but they are pretty bad and I dont plan on taking her out again, I'm thinking a 700 would definately give it a serious run. And yea I got quite a few looks ripping down the median!!!

Ugh my bad. WOW. I don't know what I was thinking. I know you're in Portage. DUH!!!
Yep, packing her up for year also. Just got back from the best "guys weekend " trip ever up in Crivitz. High traffic areas will be shot by Thursday's warmer weather up there. Wood trails will still be good for awhile. As for the Apex, my tuning buddy has a 06, and we swap wins in shorter races - up to 100/105. After that I will slowly pull away. Still awsome sounding sleds thou.
sorry to hear that guys,I went for a little ride today,it is just awesome yet,no lack of snow here yet..over 2000 miles on the SRX and it is still running great.Some 600 miles on my year that I can remember.I could of easily doubled those miles,but couldn't afford to spend $4000 in gas/oil.Close to $2000 spent already and that is enough already.gonna be above 0 at end of the week,but still cold at night.I have to concentrate on the FLOOD now that they say is coming,got tons of work to do to remove tons of snow from around the house first.... :o| :o|
Winter can be fun and other times not..
Put another 100 on the 00 srx this evening. We still have plenty of base in our trails, the tight corners are getting tore up/icey and off trail is almost endless! I am in the bullseye of a 4-5 county still have good snow zone. Our trails close the 31st as well but I aint gonna lie...I plan on riding till the snow is gone!
Well I can always head farther north, but I'm calling it andgonna pull the plug. almost 3000 km, not to shabby.
Time to start getting the motorcycles and summer car ready, can't wait for warmer weather now. Kind of feel sorry for those southerners that don't get season changes. What a boring life lol.
I was up in NE Minnesota, 'Da Range' this past weekend. I haven't seen trails like that up there in a good decade. Things were awesome! I put 415 miles on my sled, the old 700sx kept up pretty good with all the new technology. I did burn up 2 belts, but that was my fault, I had a feeling I should buy a new belt for the weekend, (I blew my good belt last time I was up there playing in the heavy snow...) but since it was probably the last ride of the year I thought I'd get by with what I had, spare that had one season of use, and and older spare that had been hanging in the barn for past 5 years. Lesson learned. We got to a town with just the threads on my last belt left, found someone at a bar with a srx that sold us a nearly new belt for $40. I didn't get to thank him since I was at the other end of town looking for a belt, when someone in my party found him. Anyways, the trip was awesome. The trails will probably be all done for sure after next weekend, since they close them up on the 1st. I was glad I could get up there and ride one more time.
North Ontario Trails are in excellent shape still, we have not even begun to lose our snow. That may all change this week though as temps are supposed to head above freezing during the day.
We were out Ice fishing on the weekend and the ice is about 4 feet thick but there was some slush in places as there is 2 - 3 feet of snow on the ice.
minus 18 here now,so another great day for a ride..winter just won't leave.I have a feeling we may still get a mega snow storm before it is all over..just enough to create a Big Flood again..hope not..

the forcast has been changed again,and again it will be cooler..good for the snow melt and good for more riding.. :sled1: :sled1: :sled1: :sled1: :sled1:
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