Hi everyone, new to this site! I have a 2002 sxr 600. Yesterday the temp light started flashing, today its not, however, checking the plugs, all have spark but when I take the plug covers off one at a time it stays running until I take the far left one off, then dies completely. Also rinds crappy. Plugs look good, and suggestions? One tech said the water pump regarding the temp light, but can't figure out the change from one day to another.
When was the last time the carbs were cleaned? This may contribute to the heat issue as fuel is not only a propellant but also a coolant, and if the pilot jets were plugged this would also contribute to running crappy.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
X2 on cleaning carbs. A few write ups in the tech section. The pilots (circuit engine idles on) are notorious for plugging up. If center/mag cylinder carbs arent getting proper fuel would explain why it dies when PTO cylinder plug wire is pulled. As far as the flashing temp light. If its an actual overheating issue you should get 3 flashes when you start it (all good code) then as sled warms up and gets to warm will start constant flash. The fault codes decoder links can be found in the tech section as well. A easy way to narrow down to an accesory or engine management fault is to turn key back to RUN position, If its a accesory (grip/thumb warmer..etc) the flash should stop while in RUN only.